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FRINK: Integrating Knowledge in the Prototype Open Knowledge Network (Proto-OKN) Program

In collaboration with five other U.S. government agencies, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) has invested $26.7 million in 18 projects through its Building the Prototype Open Knowledge Network (Proto-OKN) program. NASA, NIH, the National Institute of Justice, NOAA and the U.S. Geological Survey are partnering with NSF on this effort and will work closely with the awardees to ensure that Proto-OKN supports each agency’s data strategy while addressing use cases associated with agency data.

An open knowledge network is a publicly accessible system of interconnected data repositories and knowledge graphs, designed to support data-driven, AI-powered solutions to societal and economic challenges. Knowledge graphs facilitate the integration, structuring, and analysis of information across various scientific and technological domains.

Among the 18 Proto-OKN projects, the Fabric Integrating Networked Knowledge (FRINK) focuses on synthesizing the independently developed graphs within Proto-OKN, enabling seamless deployment, integration, harmonization, and analysis of knowledge across these graphs. For more information about the larger program, visit the main Proto-OKN website:

This website serves as a resource for Theme 1 participants in the Proto-OKN program and provides information on FRINK's work for the broader public. The Quick Start Guide provides help information for Theme 1 participants developing graphs for the Proto-OKN, Best Practices guidance for Theme 1 participants, and the OKN Registry containing detailed information about each Theme 1 graph.

The FRINK project is supported by NSF ITE 2333810.