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Knowledge graphs have emerged in many domains of science and technology as a powerful means of integrating, structuring, and mining information to extract new knowledge. To fully realize the promise of these knowledge graphs, a concerted effort is needed to synthesize many independently modeled and developed graphs that overlap partially with each other, in terms of their content. The Fabric Integrating Networked Knowledge, FRINK, is a project that meets this challenge by creating capabilities that allow for the uniform deployment, integration, and harmonization of knowledge graphs created under the Proto-OKN program into a unified Open Knowledge Network for query and analysis.

This website is primarily to serve as resource for Theme 1 participants of the Proto-OKN program. As such it offers a Quick Start Guide on uploading knowledge graphs to the FRINK Landing Zone, updating knowledge graphs, and using FRINK to query all Theme 1 knowledge graphs. It also provides best practices for enhancing the integrity of knowledge graphs and advancing their interoperability, and detailed information on each Theme 1 graph that FRINK contains.

The FRINK project is supported by NSF ITE 2333810.