Learn More about the Knowledge Graphs in PROTO-OKN
The information provided about Theme 1 graphs was obtained from an analysis of the graphs that were deposited in the FRINK Landing zone, using LinkML schema to generate the schema and using a modification of this documentation generator to produce readable pages with class diagrams from that schema.
Need to correct your graph's information? Please contact Mahir Morshed.
Climate Models
Neighborhood Information
Rural Resilience
SAW Graph
Secure Chain
Graph Notation & Assumptions
IRI Prefixes
The following IRI prefixes have been identified in the Theme 1 graphs and are documented for each graph where applicable.
prefix | IRI |
sosa: | http://www.w3.org/ns/sosa/ |
umls: | https://identifiers.org/umls: |
niehs: | https://ice.ntp.niehs.nih.gov/property/ |
semsci: | http://semanticscience.org/resource/SIO_ |
dc: | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ |
sockg: | http://www.semanticweb.org/zzy/ontologies/2024/0/soil-carbon-ontology/ |
dreamkg: | http://www.semanticweb.org/dreamkg/ijcai/ |
dct: | http://purl.org/dc/terms/ |
xsd: | http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema# |
geo: | http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql# |
cheminf: | http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CHEMINF_ |
obo: | http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ |
owl: | http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl# |
rdf: | http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# |
scales: | http://schemas.scales-okn.org/rdf/scales# |
hsdo: | http://schema.org/ |
schema: | https://schema.org/ |
neo4j: | neo4j://graph.schema# |
rural: | http://sail.ua.edu/ruralkg/ |
example: | http://example.org/ns# |
securechain: | https://w3id.org/secure-chain/ |
prov: | http://www.w3.org/ns/prov# |
io: | https://spec.industrialontologies.org/ontology/core/Core/ |
iosc: | https://spec.industrialontologies.org/ontology/supplychain/SupplyChain/ |
sudokn: | http://asu.edu/semantics/SUDOKN/ |
sudokn2: | Utilities:communication/ |
sudokn3: | Utilities:water/ |
usfrsdata: | http://sawgraph.spatialai.org/v1/us-frs-data# |
usfrs: | http://sawgraph.spatialai.org/v1/us-frs# |
naics: | http://sawgraph.spatialai.org/v1/fio/naics# |
skos: | http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core# |
rdfs: | http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# |
bao: | http://www.bioassayontology.org/bao#BAO_ |
edam: | http://edamontology.org/ |
qudt: | http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/ |
ilisgs: | http://sawgraph.spatialai.org/v1/il-isgs# |
meegad: | http://sawgraph.spatialai.org/v1/me-egad# |
memgs: | http://sawgraph.spatialai.org/v1/me-mgs# |
ussdwis: | http://sawgraph.spatialai.org/v1/us-sdwis# |
pfas: | http://sawgraph.spatialai.org/v1/pfas# |
contaminoso: | http://sawgraph.spatialai.org/v1/contaminoso# |
relation: | http://relation.org/ |
attribute: | http://attribute.org/ |
phila: | https://metadata.phila.gov/ |
Ontology (owl:Ontology)
Currently, a single HDT file is assumed to represent an entire unit of data modeled in a specific way. As a result, exactly one type of entity has been inferred to exist in the Theme 1 graphs: owl:Ontology
Consequently, triples for an entity with a CURIE of example:myOntology
will have the following effects:
- example:myOntology dct:title "Title of the ontology"
- example:myOntology dct:description "Description of the ontology"
- example:myOntology dct:hasVersion "0.0.1"
- example:myOntology dct:created "2024-10-30T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime
Classes (owl:Class or rdfs:Class)
Entities are assumed to be either an rdfs:Class or an owl:Class. Consequently, triples for an entity with a CURIE of example:myClass"
will either be represented as rdfs:Class
or owl:Class
. Triples will have the following effects:
- example:myClass rdfs:label "ClassName"
- example:myClass rdfs:comment "Description of this class"
- example:myClass rdfs:isDefinedBy https://example.com/schema/that/defines/this/class.html
- example:myClass rdfs:subClassOf example:mySuperClass
Predicates, e.g., example:myPredicate
will be represented with at least one of the following triples as appropriate:
- example:myPredicate a rdf:Property
- example:myPredicate a rdfs:ContainerMembershipProperty
- example:myPredicate a owl:DatatypeProperty
- example:myPredicate a owl:AnnotationProperty
- example:myPredicate a owl:ObjectProperty
- example:myPredicate a owl:SymmetricProperty
- example:myPredicate a owl:TransitiveProperty
In turn, these triples will have the following effects:
- example:myPredicate rdfs:label "PredicateName"
- example:myPredicate rdfs:comment "Description of this class"
- example:myPredicate skos:definition "Description of this class"
- example:myPredicate rdfs:domain example:oneDomainType, example:anotherDomainTypeIfNeeded
- example:myPredicate rdfs:range example:RangeType
- example:myPredicate rdfs:subPropertyOf example:mySuperClass