Climate Models: Knowledge Graph to Support Evaluation and Development of Climate Models
Schema Diagram
HsdoActivity {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoCmip6SourceId {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoDataFormat {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoDataset {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoExperiment {
string attribute_tier
string skos_definition
string attribute_start_year
string attribute_experiment
string skos_prefLabel
string attribute_end_year
HsdoFrequency {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoGridLabel {
HsdoHorizontalResolutionRange {
string skos_prefLabel
HsdoInstitution {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoInstrument {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoLicense {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoLocation {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoMeasurementName {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoMimeType {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoModel {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoModels {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoNominalResolution {
string skos_prefLabel
HsdoObs4MipsSourceId {
HsdoPlatform {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoProject {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoProvider {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoRealm {
string skos_prefLabel
HsdoRegion {
HsdoRelatedUrlContentType {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoScienceKeyword {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoSourceType {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoSubExperimentId {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoTemporalResolutionRange {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoVariable {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange {
string skos_prefLabel
HsdoPaper {
string attribute_title
string attribute_authors
string attribute_pub_date
string attribute_doi
SkosConcept {
string skos_prefLabel
string skos_definition
uri skos_inScheme
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoProject : "relation_HasProjectName"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoProvider : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoScienceKeyword : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoDataFormat : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoActivity : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoProject : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoTemporalResolutionRange : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoModels : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoInstitution : "relation_TargetsLocation"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoActivity : "relation_MeasuredAt"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "relation_MeasuredAt"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "relation_MeasuredAt"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoActivity : "relation_RunBy"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoActivity : "relation_ComparedTo"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoInstitution : "relation_ComparedTo"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoLocation : "relation_ComparedTo"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoTemporalResolutionRange : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "relation_ComparedTo"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoActivity : "relation_UsedIn"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoModel : "relation_UsedIn"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoScienceKeyword : "skos_broader"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoModels : "skos_broader"
HsdoActivity ||--|o SkosConcept : "skos_broader"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoDataFormat : "skos_broader"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoModel : "skos_broader"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit : "skos_broader"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoLocation : "skos_broader"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "skos_broader"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoTemporalResolutionRange : "skos_broader"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "skos_broader"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoPlatform : "skos_broader"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoMimeType : "skos_broader"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoNominalResolution : "skos_broader"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoSubExperimentId : "skos_broader"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoInstrument : "skos_broader"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoHorizontalResolutionRange : "skos_broader"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoProvider : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoScienceKeyword : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoDataFormat : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoActivity : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoProject : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoSubExperimentId : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoModels : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoInstitution : "relation_ProvidedBy"
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HsdoActivity ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoProvider : "relation_TargetsLocation"
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HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoProject : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoTemporalResolutionRange : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoModels : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoInstitution : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoVariable : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoFrequency : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoPlatform : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoInstrument : "relation_TargetsLocation"
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HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoDataset : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoModel : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoLocation : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoTemporalResolutionRange : "relation_MeasuredAt"
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HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoPlatform : "relation_MeasuredAt"
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HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit ||--|o HsdoTemporalResolutionRange : "relation_ComparedTo"
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HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoInstrument : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModel : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoLocation : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoRelatedUrlContentType : "relation_TargetsLocation"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoScienceKeyword : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoActivity : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModels : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoDataFormat : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoVariable : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoDataset : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModel : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoLocation : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoTemporalResolutionRange : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoCmip6SourceId : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoPlatform : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoRelatedUrlContentType : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoProvider : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoProject : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoSubExperimentId : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoInstrument : "relation_MeasuredAt"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoProvider : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoScienceKeyword : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoDataFormat : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoActivity : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoProject : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModels : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoInstitution : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoVariable : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoDataset : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoPlatform : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoInstrument : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModel : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoLocation : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoRelatedUrlContentType : "relation_Outputs"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoScienceKeyword : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoActivity : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModels : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoDataFormat : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoInstitution : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoVariable : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoDataset : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModel : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoLocation : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoTemporalResolutionRange : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoCmip6SourceId : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoPlatform : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoRelatedUrlContentType : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoProvider : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoProject : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoSubExperimentId : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoInstrument : "relation_ComparedTo"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoProvider : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoScienceKeyword : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoDataFormat : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoActivity : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoProject : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModels : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoInstitution : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoVariable : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoDataset : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoPlatform : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoCmip6SourceId : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoInstrument : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModel : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoLocation : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "relation_UsedIn"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoScienceKeyword : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModels : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o SkosConcept : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoDataFormat : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoVariable : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoDataset : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModel : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoLocation : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoTemporalResolutionRange : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoPlatform : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoMimeType : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoRelatedUrlContentType : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoProvider : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoProject : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoNominalResolution : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoSubExperimentId : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoInstrument : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoHorizontalResolutionRange : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoSourceType : "skos_broader"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoProvider : "relation_ValidatedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoScienceKeyword : "relation_ValidatedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoProject : "relation_ValidatedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModels : "relation_ValidatedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoVariable : "relation_ValidatedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoDataset : "relation_ValidatedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoPlatform : "relation_ValidatedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoInstrument : "relation_ValidatedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModel : "relation_ValidatedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "relation_ValidatedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoProvider : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoScienceKeyword : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoDataFormat : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoActivity : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoProject : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoSubExperimentId : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModels : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoInstitution : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoVariable : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoDataset : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoPlatform : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoCmip6SourceId : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoInstrument : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoModel : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoLocation : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVariable ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "relation_ProvidedBy"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoScienceKeyword : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoModels : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o SkosConcept : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoDataFormat : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoVariable : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoDataset : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoModel : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoLocation : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoTemporalResolutionRange : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoPlatform : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoMimeType : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoRelatedUrlContentType : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoProvider : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoProject : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoNominalResolution : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoSubExperimentId : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoInstrument : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoHorizontalResolutionRange : "skos_broader"
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange ||--|o HsdoSourceType : "skos_broader"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoScienceKeyword : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoActivity : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoModels : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoDataFormat : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoInstitution : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoVariable : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoDataset : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoModel : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoLocation : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoTemporalResolutionRange : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoCmip6SourceId : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoPlatform : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoRelatedUrlContentType : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoProvider : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoProject : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoNominalResolution : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoSubExperimentId : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoFrequency : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoInstrument : "relation_Mention"
HsdoPaper ||--|o HsdoHorizontalResolutionRange : "relation_Mention"
SkosConcept ||--|o SkosConcept : "skos_narrower"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoScienceKeyword : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoModels : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o SkosConcept : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoDataFormat : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoVariable : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoDataset : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoModel : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoLocation : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoExperiment : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoTemporalResolutionRange : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoMeasurementName : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoPlatform : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoMimeType : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoRelatedUrlContentType : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoProvider : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoProject : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoNominalResolution : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoSubExperimentId : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoInstrument : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoHorizontalResolutionRange : "skos_broader"
SkosConcept ||--|o HsdoSourceType : "skos_broader"
IRI prefixes
- attribute:
- example:
- hsdo:
- linkml:
- obo:
- rdf:
- relation:
- skos:
Class | Description |
HsdoActivity | No type description provided Class with 24 occurences. |
HsdoChronostratigraphicUnit | No type description provided Class with 184 occurences. |
HsdoCmip6SourceId | No type description provided Class with 134 occurences. |
HsdoDataFormat | No type description provided Class with 198 occurences. |
HsdoDataset | A body of structured information describing some topic(s) of interest. Class with 107 occurences. |
HsdoExperiment | No type description provided Class with 467 occurences. |
HsdoFrequency | No type description provided Class with 16 occurences. |
HsdoGridLabel | No type description provided Class with 45 occurences. |
HsdoHorizontalResolutionRange | No type description provided Class with 15 occurences. |
HsdoInstitution | No type description provided Class with 75 occurences. |
HsdoInstrument | No type description provided Class with 2416 occurences. |
HsdoLicense | No type description provided Class with 5 occurences. |
HsdoLocation | No type description provided Class with 1168 occurences. |
HsdoMeasurementName | No type description provided Class with 251 occurences. |
HsdoMimeType | No type description provided Class with 38 occurences. |
HsdoModel | No type description provided Class with 372 occurences. |
HsdoModels | No type description provided Class with 442 occurences. |
HsdoNominalResolution | No type description provided Class with 16 occurences. |
HsdoObs4MipsSourceId | No type description provided Class with 106 occurences. |
HsdoPaper | No type description provided Class with 300 occurences. |
HsdoPlatform | No type description provided Class with 1390 occurences. |
HsdoProject | An enterprise (potentially individual but typically collaborative), planned to achieve a particular aim. |
Use properties from [[Organization]], [[subOrganization]]/[[parentOrganization]] to indicate project sub-structures. | |
Class with 2057 occurences. |
HsdoProvider | No type description provided Class with 4469 occurences. |
HsdoRealm | No type description provided Class with 9 occurences. |
HsdoRegion | No type description provided Class with 69 occurences. |
HsdoRelatedUrlContentType | No type description provided Class with 105 occurences. |
HsdoScienceKeyword | No type description provided Class with 4109 occurences. |
HsdoSourceType | No type description provided Class with 15 occurences. |
HsdoSubExperimentId | No type description provided Class with 75 occurences. |
HsdoTemporalResolutionRange | No type description provided Class with 36 occurences. |
HsdoVariable | No type description provided Class with 2705 occurences. |
HsdoVerticalResolutionRange | No type description provided Class with 8 occurences. |
SkosConcept | No type description provided Class with 16359 occurences. |
Slot | Description |
attribute_authors | No slot description provided 287 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type string. |
attribute_doi | No slot description provided 284 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type string. |
attribute_end_year | No slot description provided 322 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type string. |
attribute_experiment | No slot description provided 322 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type string. |
attribute_pub_date | No slot description provided 181 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type string. |
attribute_start_year | No slot description provided 322 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type string. |
attribute_tier | No slot description provided 322 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type string. |
attribute_title | No slot description provided 286 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type string. |
example_ontology_definition | No slot description provided 14490 occurrences with untyped subjects and object type string. |
example_ontology_id | No slot description provided 13840 occurrences with untyped subjects and object type integer. 2520 occurrences with untyped subjects and object type string. |
example_ontology_path_id | No slot description provided 49759 occurrences with untyped subjects and object type uri. |
example_ontology_path_label | No slot description provided 49749 occurrences with untyped subjects and object type string. |
example_ontology_prefLabel | No slot description provided 16360 occurrences with untyped subjects and object type string. |
example_ontology_reference | No slot description provided 14490 occurrences with untyped subjects and object type string. |
example_ontology_tag | No slot description provided 17377 occurrences with untyped subjects and object type string. |
relation_ComparedTo | No slot description provided 734 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Location. 34 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Experiment. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 79 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Instrument. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Model. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Instrument. 27 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Model. 40 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Location. 69 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Experiment. 12 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Project. 94 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Instrument. 70 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Models. 85 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Location. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Location. 20 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Model. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id and object type hsdo_Location. 79 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 35 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Instrument. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Location. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Provider. 24 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Provider. 30 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 25 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Experiment. 29 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Activity. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Variable. 38 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Experiment. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Platform. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Platform. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Experiment. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 17 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Instrument. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Provider. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Project. 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Location. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Instrument. 20 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Location. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Platform. 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Model. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Variable. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Provider. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 28 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Instrument. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Project. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Instrument. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Model. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Platform. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Models. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Platform. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Institution. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Variable. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Experiment. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Experiment. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Experiment. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Location. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Platform. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Activity. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Variable. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id and object type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Variable. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Institution. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Provider. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Project. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Project. 24 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Dataset. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Variable. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Model. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Activity. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Location. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Experiment. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Models. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Model. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Experiment. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Location. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Instrument. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id and object type hsdo_Provider. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Variable. 12 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Models. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Institution. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Project. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Platform. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Institution. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Provider. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Platform. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Dataset. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Dataset. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Variable. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Provider. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Institution. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Models. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Location. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Activity. |
relation_HasActivity | No slot description provided 334 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Activity. |
relation_HasActivityParticipation | No slot description provided 685 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Activity. |
relation_HasAdditionalAllowedModelComponents | No slot description provided 239 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Provider. 216 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Experiment. 251 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Source_Type. |
relation_HasInstitution | No slot description provided 154 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Institution. 103 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Institution. |
relation_HasLicenseInfo | No slot description provided 131 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_License. |
relation_HasModelComponent | No slot description provided 237 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Realm. 195 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Location. 122 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Experiment. 123 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Provider. |
relation_HasParentActivity | No slot description provided 251 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Activity. |
relation_HasParentExperiment | No slot description provided 251 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Experiment. |
relation_HasProjectName | No slot description provided 24 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Project. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Realm and object type hsdo_Project. 259 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Project. 364 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Project. 13 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Project. 1280 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Project. 120 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Project. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Project. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Project. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Project. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Project. |
relation_HasRegion | No slot description provided 109 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Location. |
relation_HasRequiredModelComponents | No slot description provided 287 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Model. 40 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Location. 50 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Experiment. 38 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Provider. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Source_Type. |
relation_HasSourceType | No slot description provided 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Experiment. 100 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Source_Type. |
relation_MeasuredAt | No slot description provided 542 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Location. 71 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 150 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Instrument. 240 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Location. 76 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Experiment. 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Platform. 43 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 128 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Location. 73 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Instrument. 49 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Experiment. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Model. 108 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Experiment. 44 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Location. 20 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Experiment. 349 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Location. 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Provider. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Project. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 41 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Location. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Experiment. 27 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Instrument. 178 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Instrument. 14 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Model. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 223 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Instrument. 64 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Platform. 17 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Provider. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 91 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Experiment. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Model. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Model. 93 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Project. 13 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Activity. 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 61 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Location. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Project. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 27 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Instrument. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 32 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Provider. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Model. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 30 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Location. 21 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Instrument. 12 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Experiment. 17 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Experiment. 29 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Instrument. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Platform. 13 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Project. 17 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Variable. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Model. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Instrument. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Variable. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Project. 20 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Horizontal_Resolution_Range and object type hsdo_Location. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Models. 12 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Experiment. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Project. 12 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Provider. 27 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Instrument. 23 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Location. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 23 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Models. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Variable. 36 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Location. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Provider. 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Platform. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Project. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Project. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Models. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Model. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Variable. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Location. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Platform. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Models. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Provider. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Models. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Provider. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Models. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Location. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Dataset. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type and object type hsdo_Location. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type and object type hsdo_Experiment. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Variable. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Experiment. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Variable. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Location. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range and object type hsdo_Location. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id and object type hsdo_Location. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Platform. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Frequency and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Activity. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Models. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Provider. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Project. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Project. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Models. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id. |
relation_Mention | No slot description provided 1416 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1646 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 784 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Model. 3054 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Instrument. 5961 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Location. 582 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Provider. 627 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Project. 434 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Models. 125 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Variable. 318 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Platform. 107 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 119 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 85 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 33 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Dataset. 104 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Institution. 21 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id. 65 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Activity. 14 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Horizontal_Resolution_Range. 24 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range. 30 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Frequency. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_paper and object type hsdo_Nominal_Resolution. |
relation_MountedOn | No slot description provided 22 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Location. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Instrument. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Instrument. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Platform. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Provider. 21 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Location. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Institution. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Platform. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Experiment. |
relation_Outputs | No slot description provided 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Variable. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Instrument. 62 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Variable. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Model. 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Model. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Instrument. 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Experiment. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Project. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Location. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Models. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Model. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Activity. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Provider. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Project. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Models. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Provider. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Instrument. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Instrument. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Experiment. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Platform. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Project. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Experiment. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Instrument. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Variable. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Location. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Instrument. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Variable. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Model. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Experiment. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Project. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Provider. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Experiment. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Experiment. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Model. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Dataset. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Experiment. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Model. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Location. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Models. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Platform. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Variable. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Variable. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Institution. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Project. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Platform. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Activity. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Project. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Provider. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Data_Format. |
relation_ProvidedBy | No slot description provided 17 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Instrument. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Location. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Activity. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Activity. 25 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 24 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Location. 31 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Instrument. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Model. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Experiment. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Project. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Project. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Location. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Provider. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Instrument. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Provider. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Institution. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Project. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Platform. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Model. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Institution. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Model. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Institution. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Instrument. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Experiment. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Model. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Model. 26 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Location. 20 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Location. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Platform. 19 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Instrument. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Model. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Institution. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Project. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Instrument. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Instrument. 12 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Provider. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Institution. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Location. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Provider. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Dataset. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Activity. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Experiment. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Experiment. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Variable. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Institution. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Instrument. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Model. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Experiment. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Model. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Dataset. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Location. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Models. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Models. 24 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Project. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Provider. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Location. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Institution. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Project. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Activity. 12 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Experiment. 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Project. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Project. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Platform. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Model. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Location. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Institution. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Experiment. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Instrument. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Experiment. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Activity. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Models. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Institution. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Experiment. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Dataset. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Activity. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Provider. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Platform. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Platform. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Location. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Platform. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Model. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Institution. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Activity. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id. |
relation_RunBy | No slot description provided 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Activity. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Instrument. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Model. 24 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Experiment. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Model. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Experiment. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Experiment. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Models. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Models. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Experiment. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Project. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Location. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Instrument. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Activity. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Institution. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Activity. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Instrument. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Model. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Institution. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Instrument. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Model. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. |
relation_TargetsLocation | No slot description provided 198 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Instrument. 34 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Models. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Provider. 38 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Location. 159 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Location. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 50 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Instrument. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Model. 217 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Location. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Platform. 17 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 64 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Instrument. 153 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Experiment. 680 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Location. 13 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Provider. 82 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Location. 12 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Experiment. 140 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Location. 30 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Instrument. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Variable. 257 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Location. 45 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Experiment. 98 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Instrument. 18 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Models. 27 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 17 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Platform. 13 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Models. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Instrument. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 18 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Experiment. 54 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Experiment. 49 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Model. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Location. 21 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Experiment. 42 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Project. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Experiment. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Activity. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Institution. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Instrument. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 35 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Location. 26 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Location. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Platform. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Experiment. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Model. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Instrument. 17 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Instrument. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Location. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Instrument. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Provider. 26 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Instrument. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Instrument. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Models. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Variable. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 36 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Experiment. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Model. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Location. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 22 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Project. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Model. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Models. 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Experiment. 12 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Location. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Instrument. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type and object type hsdo_Experiment. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type and object type hsdo_Location. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Experiment. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Instrument. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Variable. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Model. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range and object type hsdo_Instrument. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Project. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Variable. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Provider. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Platform. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Project. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Models. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Activity. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Models. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Frequency. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Activity. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Provider. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Platform. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Platform. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Models. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. |
relation_UsedIn | No slot description provided 14 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Location. 17 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Model. 29 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 46 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Experiment. 20 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Project. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Experiment. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Activity. 27 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Project. 46 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Experiment. 37 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Model. 28 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Instrument. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Experiment. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Activity. 114 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Instrument. 44 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Location. 18 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Instrument. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Model. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Location. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Instrument. 11 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Models. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Platform. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Experiment. 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Project. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Models. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Models. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Provider. 29 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Instrument. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Model. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Location. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Model. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Experiment. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Model. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Instrument. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Models. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Location. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Location. 17 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Location. 17 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Location. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Models. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Activity. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Provider. 13 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Project. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Institution. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Variable. 25 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Experiment. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Experiment. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Models. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Institution. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Project. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Model. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Instrument. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Project. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Location. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Activity. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Variable. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Provider. 14 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Platform. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Project. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Model. 8 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Model. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Activity. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Experiment. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Instrument. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Project. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Location. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Location. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Models. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Project. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Dataset. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Provider. 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Project. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Models. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Institution. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Platform. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Location. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Project. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Activity. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Activity. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. |
relation_ValidatedBy | No slot description provided 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Project. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Project. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Platform. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Models. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Model. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Model. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Platform. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Project. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Platform. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Model. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Provider. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Platform. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Dataset. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Model. |
skos_broader | No slot description provided 2245 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Location. 261 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Instrument. 8109 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 2953 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Provider. 1937 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Location. 312 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Model. 1761 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2153 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Platform. 102 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Project. 48 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type hsdo_Project. 40 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Instrument. 34 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Platform. 789 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit. 47 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Project. 8707 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Provider. 86 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Project. 6114 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Instrument. 2038 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Experiment. 57 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Provider. 475 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 311 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Provider. 26 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Model. 3416 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Project. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Realm and object type hsdo_Location. 304 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Location. 180 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Project. 891 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 286 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Instrument. 355 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Experiment. 131 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 32 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Model. 9 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Experiment. 80 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Provider. 317 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Instrument. 20 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Location. 75 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Provider. 38 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Location. 12 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Variable. 352 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 160 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Provider. 137 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 31 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Location. 54 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id and object type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id. 227 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 130 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Location. 154 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 182 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Model. 183 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Instrument. 43 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Platform. 242 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type hsdo_Data_Format. 63 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1281 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type hsdo_Variable. 55 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 25 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Location. 33 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Provider. 84 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Platform. 27 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Project. 22 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. 402 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Source_Type. 58 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Instrument. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Platform. 34 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Model. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id. 220 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Experiment. 42 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type hsdo_Platform. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Variable. 13 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Variable. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Experiment. 211 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. 106 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type hsdo_Dataset. 26 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Science_Keyword. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Location. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Provider. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Experiment. 7 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Instrument. 10 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Source_Type. 14 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. 12 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Model. 85 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Model. 18 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range and object type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Model. 17 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type hsdo_Project. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Variable. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Platform. 12 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Variable. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type hsdo_Location. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Source_Type and object type hsdo_Source_Type. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Nominal_Resolution and object type hsdo_Nominal_Resolution. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Source_Type. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Frequency and object type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_License and object type hsdo_Instrument. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type hsdo_Models. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type hsdo_Source_Type. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type. 24 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type and object type hsdo_Provider. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Experiment. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type hsdo_Variable. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range. 3 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type hsdo_Models. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type hsdo_Project. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type hsdo_Measurement_Name. 16338 occurrences with subject type skos_Concept and object type skos_Concept. 37 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Mime_Type and object type hsdo_Mime_Type. 14 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Horizontal_Resolution_Range and object type hsdo_Horizontal_Resolution_Range. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Vertical_Resolution_Range and object type hsdo_Variable. 2 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type and object type hsdo_Instrument. |
skos_definition | No slot description provided 368 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type string. 2792 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type string. 1114 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type string. 24 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type string. 141 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type string. 422 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type string. 3483 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type string. 1913 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type string. 1560 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type string. 168 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type string. 93 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type string. 75 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type string. 54 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id and object type string. 37 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type string. 187 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type string. 1280 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type string. 134 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type string. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Source_Type and object type string. 106 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type string. 68 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type and object type string. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Frequency and object type string. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_License and object type string. 1 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range and object type string. 16359 occurrences with subject type skos_Concept and object type string. 32 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Mime_Type and object type string. |
skos_inScheme | No slot description provided 16359 occurrences with subject type skos_Concept and object type uri. |
skos_narrower | No slot description provided 16338 occurrences with subject type skos_Concept and object type skos_Concept. |
skos_prefLabel | No slot description provided 983 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Location and object type string. 2975 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Science_Keyword and object type string. 1171 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Platform and object type string. 24 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Activity and object type string. 150 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Model and object type string. 184 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Chronostratigraphic_Unit and object type string. 444 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Experiment and object type string. 3745 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Provider and object type string. 2363 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Instrument and object type string. 1727 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Project and object type string. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Realm and object type string. 297 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Models and object type string. 234 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Measurement_Name and object type string. 75 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Institution and object type string. 55 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Sub_Experiment_Id and object type string. 198 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Data_Format and object type string. 1283 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Variable and object type string. 134 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Cmip6_Source_Id and object type string. 15 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Horizontal_Resolution_Range and object type string. 5 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Source_Type and object type string. 88 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Related_Url_Content_Type and object type string. 107 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Dataset and object type string. 19 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Temporal_Resolution_Range and object type string. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Nominal_Resolution and object type string. 16 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Frequency and object type string. 4 occurrences with subject type hsdo_License and object type string. 38 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Mime_Type and object type string. 16359 occurrences with subject type skos_Concept and object type string. 6 occurrences with subject type hsdo_Vertical_Resolution_Range and object type string. |