DREAM KG: Develop Dynamic, REsponsive, Adaptive, and Multifaceted Knowledge Graphs to Address Homelessness With Explainable AI
Schema Diagram
SdohAdministrativeArea {
string sdoh_identifier
SdohAudience {
string sdoh_audienceType
SdohCategoryCode {
string sdoh_codeValue
uri sdoh_inCodeSet
SdohContactPoint {
string sdoh_telephone
SdohOpeningHoursSpecification {
string sdoh_closes
string sdoh_opens
string sdoh_dayOfWeek
SdohOrganization {
uri sdoh_sameAs
string sdoh_name
SdohPlace {
decimal sdoh_longitude
decimal sdoh_latitude
uri sdoh_hasMap
string sdoh_address
SdohService {
string sdoh_name
string sdoh_identifier
string sdoh_areaServed
SdohServiceChannel {
string sdoh_disambiguatingDescription
uri sdoh_serviceUrl
SdohTextObject {
string sdoh_conditionsOfAccess
string sdoh_text
SdohPlace ||--|o SdohAdministrativeArea : "sdoh_containedInPlace"
SdohService ||--|o SdohOpeningHoursSpecification : "sdoh_hoursAvailable"
SdohService ||--|o SdohTextObject : "sdoh_description"
SdohService ||--|o SdohServiceChannel : "sdoh_availableChannel"
SdohService ||--|o SdohOrganization : "sdoh_provider"
SdohService ||--|o SdohCategoryCode : "sdoh_category"
SdohService ||--|o SdohAudience : "sdoh_category"
SdohServiceChannel ||--|o SdohContactPoint : "sdoh_servicePhone"
SdohServiceChannel ||--|o SdohPlace : "sdoh_serviceLocation"
IRI prefixes
- dreamkg: http://www.semanticweb.org/dreamkg/ijcai/
- linkml: https://w3id.org/linkml/
- rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
- sdoh: http://schema.org/
Class | Description |
SdohAdministrativeArea | A geographical region, typically under the jurisdiction of a particular government. Class with 39 occurences. |
SdohAudience | Intended audience for an item, i.e. the group for whom the item was created. Class with 81 occurences. |
SdohCategoryCode | A Category Code. Class with 157 occurences. |
SdohContactPoint | A contact point—for example, a Customer Complaints department. Class with 87 occurences. |
SdohOpeningHoursSpecification | A structured value providing information about the opening hours of a place or a certain service inside a place.\n\n |
The place is open if the [[opens]] property is specified, and closed otherwise.\n\nIf the value for the [[closes]] property is less than the value for the [[opens]] property then the hour range is assumed to span over the next day. | |
Class with 609 occurences. |
SdohOrganization | An organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc. Class with 87 occurences. |
SdohPlace | Entities that have a somewhat fixed, physical extension. Class with 87 occurences. |
SdohService | A service provided by an organization, e.g. delivery service, print services, etc. Class with 87 occurences. |
SdohServiceChannel | A means for accessing a service, e.g. a government office location, web site, or phone number. Class with 174 occurences. |
SdohTextObject | A text file. The text can be unformatted or contain markup, html, etc. Class with 87 occurences. |
Slot | Description |
sdoh_address | No slot description provided 93 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Place and object type string. |
sdoh_areaServed | No slot description provided 87 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Service and object type string. |
sdoh_audienceType | No slot description provided 81 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Audience and object type string. |
sdoh_availableChannel | No slot description provided 174 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Service and object type sdoh_ServiceChannel. |
sdoh_category | No slot description provided 806 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Service and object type sdoh_CategoryCode. 539 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Service and object type sdoh_Audience. |
sdoh_closes | No slot description provided 623 occurrences with subject type sdoh_OpeningHoursSpecification and object type string. |
sdoh_codeValue | No slot description provided 158 occurrences with subject type sdoh_CategoryCode and object type string. |
sdoh_conditionsOfAccess | No slot description provided 88 occurrences with subject type sdoh_TextObject and object type string. |
sdoh_containedInPlace | No slot description provided 88 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Place and object type sdoh_AdministrativeArea. |
sdoh_dayOfWeek | No slot description provided 609 occurrences with subject type sdoh_OpeningHoursSpecification and object type string. |
sdoh_description | No slot description provided 87 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Service and object type sdoh_TextObject. |
sdoh_disambiguatingDescription | No slot description provided 174 occurrences with subject type sdoh_ServiceChannel and object type string. |
sdoh_hasMap | No slot description provided 88 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Place and object type uri. |
sdoh_hoursAvailable | No slot description provided 609 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Service and object type sdoh_OpeningHoursSpecification. |
sdoh_identifier | No slot description provided 39 occurrences with subject type sdoh_AdministrativeArea and object type string. 87 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Service and object type string. |
sdoh_inCodeSet | No slot description provided 157 occurrences with subject type sdoh_CategoryCode and object type uri. |
sdoh_latitude | No slot description provided 89 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Place and object type decimal. |
sdoh_longitude | No slot description provided 89 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Place and object type decimal. |
sdoh_name | No slot description provided 88 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Service and object type string. 89 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Organization and object type string. |
sdoh_opens | No slot description provided 631 occurrences with subject type sdoh_OpeningHoursSpecification and object type string. |
sdoh_provider | No slot description provided 87 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Service and object type sdoh_Organization. |
sdoh_sameAs | No slot description provided 127 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Organization and object type uri. |
sdoh_serviceLocation | No slot description provided 87 occurrences with subject type sdoh_ServiceChannel and object type sdoh_Place. |
sdoh_servicePhone | No slot description provided 87 occurrences with subject type sdoh_ServiceChannel and object type sdoh_ContactPoint. |
sdoh_serviceUrl | No slot description provided 188 occurrences with subject type sdoh_ServiceChannel and object type uri. |
sdoh_telephone | No slot description provided 87 occurrences with subject type sdoh_ContactPoint and object type string. |
sdoh_text | No slot description provided 90 occurrences with subject type sdoh_TextObject and object type string. |