Neighborhood Information: An Open Knowledge Graph for Neighborhood Information
Schema Diagram
PhilaBlockGroup {
PhilaCensusTract {
PhilaIncident {
boolean phila_OffenderInjured
integer phila_age_of
string phila_OffenderRace
boolean phila_OfficerInvolved
string phila_OffenderWound
date phila_date_of
time phila_time_of
string phila_OffenderSex
boolean phila_OffenderDeceased
boolean phila_is_fatal
PhilaLocation {
PhilaBlockGroup ||--|o PhilaCensusTract : "phila_belongs_to"
PhilaIncident ||--|o PhilaCensusTract : "phila_happened_at"
IRI prefixes
- linkml:
- phila:
- rdf:
- rdfs:
Class | Description |
PhilaBlockGroup | No type description provided Class with 8 occurences. |
PhilaCensusTract | No type description provided Class with 361 occurences. |
PhilaIncident | No type description provided Class with 15328 occurences. |
PhilaLocation | No type description provided Class with 9131 occurences. |
Slot | Description |
phila_age_of | No slot description provided 15093 occurrences with subject type phila_Incident and object type integer. |
phila_belongs_to | No slot description provided 1250 occurrences with subject type phila_BlockGroup and object type phila_CensusTract. |
phila_date_of | No slot description provided 15328 occurrences with subject type phila_Incident and object type date. |
phila_happened_at | No slot description provided 15328 occurrences with subject type phila_Incident and object type phila_CensusTract. |
phila_is_fatal | No slot description provided 15205 occurrences with subject type phila_Incident and object type boolean. |
phila_OffenderDeceased | No slot description provided 15328 occurrences with subject type phila_Incident and object type boolean. |
phila_OffenderInjured | No slot description provided 15328 occurrences with subject type phila_Incident and object type boolean. |
phila_OffenderRace | No slot description provided 15205 occurrences with subject type phila_Incident and object type string. |
phila_OffenderSex | No slot description provided 15328 occurrences with subject type phila_Incident and object type string. |
phila_OffenderWound | No slot description provided 15200 occurrences with subject type phila_Incident and object type string. |
phila_OfficerInvolved | No slot description provided 15328 occurrences with subject type phila_Incident and object type boolean. |
phila_time_of | No slot description provided 15205 occurrences with subject type phila_Incident and object type time. |