Rural Resilience: A Cross-Domain Knowledge Graph to Integrate Health and Justice for Rural Resilience
An ontology which serves the schema for the cross-domain knowledge graph (Rural-KG) to integrate health and justice data for rural resilience.
Schema Diagram
RuralAdministrativeareaAdministrativeArea {
RuralAdministrativeareaCity {
integer rural_administrativearea_ranking
float rural_administrativearea_longitude
string rural_administrativearea_name
float rural_administrativearea_latitude
RuralAdministrativeareaCounty {
string rural_administrativearea_fips
string rural_administrativearea_name
RuralAdministrativeareaState {
string rural_administrativearea_abbreviation
string rural_administrativearea_fips
string rural_administrativearea_name
RuralMentalhealthserviceMentalHealth {
RuralMentalhealthserviceMentalHealthService {
string rural_mentalhealthservice_description
string rural_mentalhealthservice_code
integer rural_mentalhealthservice_year
string rural_mentalhealthservice_name
RuralMentalhealthserviceMentalHealthServiceCategory {
string rural_mentalhealthservice_code
string rural_mentalhealthservice_name
integer rural_mentalhealthservice_year
RuralSettlementtypeCountyStatus {
integer rural_settlementtype_year
integer rural_settlementtype_population
RuralSettlementtypeRUCC {
string rural_settlementtype_code
integer rural_settlementtype_year
string rural_settlementtype_description
RuralSettlementtypeSettlementType {
RuralSubstanceabuseSubstance {
string rural_substanceabuse_name
integer rural_substanceabuse_year
string rural_substanceabuse_sourceDataset
string rural_substanceabuse_code
RuralSubstanceabuseSubstanceAbuse {
RuralSubstanceabuseSubstanceRelatedIncident {
string rural_substanceabuse_name
string rural_substanceabuse_sourceDataset
integer rural_substanceabuse_year
RuralTreatmentproviderTreatmentProvider {
uri rural_treatmentprovider_inCity
string rural_treatmentprovider_name
string rural_treatmentprovider_alias
string rural_treatmentprovider_address
string rural_treatmentprovider_phone
string rural_treatmentprovider_zipcode
RuralAdministrativeareaCity ||--|o RuralAdministrativeareaCounty : "rural_administrativearea_primaryCounty"
RuralAdministrativeareaState ||--|o RuralAdministrativeareaCounty : "rural_administrativearea_containsPlace"
RuralMentalhealthserviceMentalHealthServiceCategory ||--|o RuralMentalhealthserviceMentalHealthService : "rural_mentalhealthservice_containsService"
RuralSettlementtypeCountyStatus ||--|o RuralAdministrativeareaCounty : "rural_settlementtype_censusCounty"
RuralSettlementtypeCountyStatus ||--|o RuralSettlementtypeRUCC : "rural_settlementtype_hasRUCC"
RuralTreatmentproviderTreatmentProvider ||--|o RuralMentalhealthserviceMentalHealthService : "rural_treatmentprovider_providesService"
RuralTreatmentproviderTreatmentProvider ||--|o RuralAdministrativeareaCity : "rural_treatmentprovider_inCity"
IRI prefixes
- linkml:
- rural:
- xsd:
Class | Description |
RuralAdministrativeareaAdministrativeArea | None |
RuralAdministrativeareaCity | City entities within a county or state. |
RuralAdministrativeareaCounty | Defines counties within a state. |
RuralAdministrativeareaState | Represents individual states within U.S. |
RuralMentalhealthserviceMentalHealth | Mental health services, sourcing from services defined in National Directory Of Mental Health Treatment Facilities. |
RuralMentalhealthserviceMentalHealthService | Specific mental health services offered. |
RuralMentalhealthserviceMentalHealthServiceCategory | Categories of mental health services. |
RuralSettlementtypeSettlementType | None |
RuralSettlementtypeCountyStatus | Status of a county in terms of rural or urban classification. |
RuralSettlementtypeRUCC | Rural-Urban Continuum Code classification. |
RuralSubstanceabuseSubstanceAbuse | Categories of substance type and related incident types, extracted from National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). |
RuralSubstanceabuseSubstance | Types of substances that can be abused. |
RuralSubstanceabuseSubstanceRelatedIncident | Types of incidents related to substance abuse. |
RuralTreatmentproviderTreatmentProvider | Entities that provide treatment services, sourcing from National Directory Of Mental Health Treatment Facilities. |
Slot | Description |
rural_administrativearea_abbreviation | No slot description provided 56 occurrences with subject type rural_administrativearea_State and object type string. |
rural_administrativearea_containsPlace | No slot description provided 3253 occurrences with subject type rural_administrativearea_State and object type rural_administrativearea_County. |
rural_administrativearea_fips | No slot description provided 3253 occurrences with subject type rural_administrativearea_County and object type string. 56 occurrences with subject type rural_administrativearea_State and object type string. |
rural_administrativearea_latitude | No slot description provided 31120 occurrences with subject type rural_administrativearea_City and object type float. |
rural_administrativearea_longitude | No slot description provided 31120 occurrences with subject type rural_administrativearea_City and object type float. |
rural_administrativearea_name | No slot description provided 31120 occurrences with subject type rural_administrativearea_City and object type string. 3253 occurrences with subject type rural_administrativearea_County and object type string. 56 occurrences with subject type rural_administrativearea_State and object type string. |
rural_administrativearea_primaryCounty | No slot description provided 31120 occurrences with subject type rural_administrativearea_City and object type rural_administrativearea_County. |
rural_administrativearea_ranking | No slot description provided 31120 occurrences with subject type rural_administrativearea_City and object type integer. |
rural_mentalhealthservice_code | No slot description provided 176 occurrences with subject type rural_mentalhealthservice_MentalHealthService and object type string. 21 occurrences with subject type rural_mentalhealthservice_MentalHealthServiceCategory and object type string. |
rural_mentalhealthservice_containsService | No slot description provided 176 occurrences with subject type rural_mentalhealthservice_MentalHealthServiceCategory and object type rural_mentalhealthservice_MentalHealthService. |
rural_mentalhealthservice_description | No slot description provided 176 occurrences with subject type rural_mentalhealthservice_MentalHealthService and object type string. |
rural_mentalhealthservice_name | No slot description provided 176 occurrences with subject type rural_mentalhealthservice_MentalHealthService and object type string. 21 occurrences with subject type rural_mentalhealthservice_MentalHealthServiceCategory and object type string. |
rural_mentalhealthservice_year | No slot description provided 176 occurrences with subject type rural_mentalhealthservice_MentalHealthService and object type integer. 21 occurrences with subject type rural_mentalhealthservice_MentalHealthServiceCategory and object type integer. |
rural_settlementtype_censusCounty | No slot description provided 3234 occurrences with subject type rural_settlementtype_CountyStatus and object type rural_administrativearea_County. |
rural_settlementtype_code | No slot description provided 10 occurrences with subject type rural_settlementtype_RUCC and object type string. |
rural_settlementtype_description | No slot description provided 10 occurrences with subject type rural_settlementtype_RUCC and object type string. |
rural_settlementtype_hasRUCC | No slot description provided 3234 occurrences with subject type rural_settlementtype_CountyStatus and object type rural_settlementtype_RUCC. |
rural_settlementtype_population | No slot description provided 3234 occurrences with subject type rural_settlementtype_CountyStatus and object type integer. |
rural_settlementtype_year | No slot description provided 3234 occurrences with subject type rural_settlementtype_CountyStatus and object type integer. 10 occurrences with subject type rural_settlementtype_RUCC and object type integer. |
rural_substanceabuse_code | No slot description provided 25 occurrences with subject type rural_substanceabuse_Substance and object type string. |
rural_substanceabuse_name | No slot description provided 25 occurrences with subject type rural_substanceabuse_Substance and object type string. 17 occurrences with subject type rural_substanceabuse_SubstanceRelatedIncident and object type string. |
rural_substanceabuse_sourceDataset | No slot description provided 17 occurrences with subject type rural_substanceabuse_SubstanceRelatedIncident and object type string. 25 occurrences with subject type rural_substanceabuse_Substance and object type string. |
rural_substanceabuse_year | No slot description provided 25 occurrences with subject type rural_substanceabuse_Substance and object type integer. 17 occurrences with subject type rural_substanceabuse_SubstanceRelatedIncident and object type integer. |
rural_treatmentprovider_address | No slot description provided 9037 occurrences with subject type rural_treatmentprovider_TreatmentProvider and object type string. |
rural_treatmentprovider_alias | No slot description provided 9037 occurrences with subject type rural_treatmentprovider_TreatmentProvider and object type string. |
rural_treatmentprovider_inCity | No slot description provided 8117 occurrences with subject type rural_treatmentprovider_TreatmentProvider and object type rural_administrativearea_City. 920 occurrences with subject type rural_treatmentprovider_TreatmentProvider and object type uri. |
rural_treatmentprovider_name | No slot description provided 9037 occurrences with subject type rural_treatmentprovider_TreatmentProvider and object type string. |
rural_treatmentprovider_phone | No slot description provided 9037 occurrences with subject type rural_treatmentprovider_TreatmentProvider and object type string. |
rural_treatmentprovider_providesService | No slot description provided 442841 occurrences with subject type rural_treatmentprovider_TreatmentProvider and object type rural_mentalhealthservice_MentalHealthService. |
rural_treatmentprovider_zipcode | No slot description provided 9037 occurrences with subject type rural_treatmentprovider_TreatmentProvider and object type string. |