Secure Chain: Knowledge Graph Construction for Resilient, Trustworthy, and Secure Software Supply Chains
Schema Diagram
RdfProperty {
SdohCreativeWork {
string sdoh_identifier
string sdoh_name
SdohIntangible {
SdohOrganization {
string sdoh_identifier
string sdoh_url
string sdoh_name
SdohPerson {
string sdoh_identifier
SdohProduct {
SdohSoftwareApplication {
SecurechainHardware {
string sdoh_name
SecurechainHardwareVersion {
string securechain_versionName
string sdoh_name
SecurechainLicense {
string sdoh_identifier
string sdoh_name
SecurechainSoftware {
string sdoh_name
SecurechainSoftwareVersion {
uri securechain_dependsOn
string securechain_versionName
string sdoh_name
SecurechainVulnerability {
string sdoh_identifier
SecurechainVulnerabilityType {
string sdoh_identifier
SdohOrganization ||--|o SecurechainHardware : "sdoh_manufacturer"
SecurechainHardware ||--|o SecurechainHardwareVersion : "securechain_hasHardwareVersion"
SecurechainHardwareVersion ||--|o SecurechainVulnerability : "securechain_vulnerableTo"
SecurechainHardwareVersion ||--|o SecurechainHardwareVersion : "securechain_hasHardwareVersion"
SecurechainSoftware ||--|o SecurechainSoftwareVersion : "securechain_hasSoftwareVersion"
SecurechainSoftware ||--|o SdohPerson : "sdoh_contributor"
SecurechainSoftwareVersion ||--|o SecurechainSoftwareVersion : "securechain_dependsOn"
SecurechainSoftwareVersion ||--|o SecurechainVulnerability : "securechain_vulnerableTo"
SecurechainSoftwareVersion ||--|o SecurechainSoftwareVersion : "securechain_hasSoftwareVersion"
SecurechainSoftwareVersion ||--|o SdohPerson : "sdoh_contributor"
SecurechainVulnerability ||--|o SecurechainVulnerabilityType : "securechain_vulnerabilityType"
IRI prefixes
- linkml:
- rdf:
- rdfs:
- schema:
- sdoh:
- securechain:
Class | Description |
RdfProperty | No type description provided Class with 7 occurences. |
SdohCreativeWork | The most generic kind of creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc. Class with 20 occurences. |
SecurechainLicense | No type description provided Class with 0 occurences. |
SdohIntangible | No type description provided Class with 0 occurences. |
SecurechainVulnerability | No type description provided Class with 259334 occurences. |
SecurechainVulnerabilityType | No type description provided Class with 445 occurences. |
SdohOrganization | An organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc. Class with 22889 occurences. |
SdohPerson | A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional). Class with 30434 occurences. |
SdohProduct | No type description provided Class with 0 occurences. |
SecurechainHardware | No type description provided Class with 53378 occurences. |
SecurechainHardwareVersion | No type description provided Class with 57295 occurences. |
SdohSoftwareApplication | No type description provided Class with 0 occurences. |
SecurechainSoftware | No type description provided Class with 34469 occurences. |
SecurechainSoftwareVersion | No type description provided Class with 164001 occurences. |
Slot | Description |
sdoh_contributor | No slot description provided 33048 occurrences with subject type securechain_Software and object type sdoh_Person. 3668 occurrences with untyped subjects and object type |
sdoh_identifier | No slot description provided 259334 occurrences with subject type securechain_Vulnerability and object type string. 30434 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Person and object type string. 445 occurrences with subject type securechain_VulnerabilityType and object type string. 887 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Organization and object type string. 20 occurrences with subject type sdoh_CreativeWork and object type string. |
sdoh_manufacturer | No slot description provided 54369 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Organization and object type securechain_Hardware. |
sdoh_name | No slot description provided 53378 occurrences with subject type securechain_Hardware and object type string. 22002 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Organization and object type string. 34469 occurrences with subject type securechain_Software and object type string. 20 occurrences with subject type sdoh_CreativeWork and object type string. |
sdoh_url | No slot description provided 887 occurrences with subject type sdoh_Organization and object type string. |
securechain_dependsOn | No slot description provided 696916 occurrences with subject type securechain_SoftwareVersion and object type securechain_SoftwareVersion. 982961 occurrences with untyped subjects and object type 39 occurrences with untyped subjects and object type uri. 2 occurrences with subject type securechain_SoftwareVersion and object type uri. |
securechain_hasHardwareVersion | No slot description provided 57295 occurrences with subject type securechain_Hardware and object type securechain_HardwareVersion. |
securechain_hasSoftwareVersion | No slot description provided 164001 occurrences with subject type securechain_Software and object type securechain_SoftwareVersion. |
securechain_versionName | No slot description provided 164001 occurrences with subject type securechain_SoftwareVersion and object type string. 57295 occurrences with subject type securechain_HardwareVersion and object type string. |
securechain_vulnerabilityType | No slot description provided 177404 occurrences with subject type securechain_Vulnerability and object type securechain_VulnerabilityType. |
securechain_vulnerableTo | No slot description provided 445386 occurrences with subject type securechain_HardwareVersion and object type securechain_Vulnerability. 21897 occurrences with untyped subjects and object type 5067 occurrences with subject type securechain_SoftwareVersion and object type securechain_Vulnerability. |