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SOC KG: Digging Into Soil Carbon With USDA: A Knowledge Graph Informing Soil Carbon Modeling

Schema Diagram

SockgAmendment {
    double sockg_irrigationType  
    string sockg_irrigationType  
    string sockg_amendmentPlacement  
    double sockg_amendmentPlacement  
    string sockg_mgtAmendments_UID  
    double sockg_totalAmendmentAmount_kg_per_ha  
    string sockg_startDate  
    double sockg_startDate  
    double sockg_irrigationAmount_cm  
    double sockg_totalNitrogenAmount_kgN_per_ha  
    double sockg_irrigationNitrogen_mg_per_L  
    string sockg_type  
    double sockg_type  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_totalPotassiumAmount_kgK_per_ha  
    double sockg_endDate  
    string sockg_endDate  
    double sockg_totalPhosphorusAmount_kgP_per_ha  
SockgBioMassCarbohydrate {
    double sockg_acidInsolubleLigninStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_ash_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_acidInsolubleLignin_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_glucan_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_ligninStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_xylanStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_mannanStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_acidDetFiber_g_per_kg  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_acidDetFiberStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_acidSolubleLignin_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_lignin_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_mannan_g_per_kg  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    string sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_crudeProteinStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_nonFiberCarbs_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_neutralDetFiber_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_arabinan_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_neutralDetFiberStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_glucanStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_crudeProtein_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_ashStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_galactan_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_nonFiberCarbsStd_g_per_kg  
    string sockg_measBiomassCHO_UID  
    double sockg_galactanStd_g_per_kg  
    string sockg_crop  
    double sockg_crop  
    double sockg_acidSolubleLigninStd_g_per_kg  
    string sockg_plantFraction  
    double sockg_plantFraction  
    double sockg_xylan_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_arabinanStd_g_per_kg  
SockgBioMassEnergy {
    double sockg_mineralMatter_g_per_kg  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_grossCalorificValueStd_MJ_per_kg  
    double sockg_grossCalorificValue_MJ_per_kg  
    string sockg_measBiomassEnergy_UID  
    double sockg_volatileMatterStd_g_per_kg  
    string sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_volatileMatter_g_per_kg  
    string sockg_crop  
    double sockg_crop  
    string sockg_plantFraction  
    double sockg_plantFraction  
    double sockg_mineralMatterStd_g_per_kg  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
SockgBioMassMineral {
    double sockg_magnesiumConcentration_g_per_kg  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_chlorineConcentration_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_sulfurConcentration_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_magnesiumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg  
    string sockg_measBiomassMinAn_UID  
    double sockg_ironConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg  
    string sockg_crop  
    double sockg_crop  
    double sockg_nitrogenConcentration_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_chlorineConcentrationStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_manganeseConcentration_mg_per_kg  
    double sockg_copperConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg  
    double sockg_sodiumConcentration_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_boronConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg  
    double sockg_carbonConcentration_g_per_kg  
    string sockg_plantFraction  
    double sockg_plantFraction  
    string sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_aluminumConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg  
    double sockg_potassiumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_phosphorusConcentrationStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_aluminumConcentration_mg_per_kg  
    double sockg_nitrogenConcentrationStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_calciumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_zincConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg  
    double sockg_sodiumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_carbonConcentrationStd_g_per_kg  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    double sockg_manganeseConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg  
    double sockg_potassiumConcentration_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_sulfurConcentrationStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_phosphorusConcentration_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_zincConcentration_mg_per_kg  
    double sockg_calciumConcentration_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_ironConcentration_mg_per_kg  
    double sockg_boronConcentration_mg_per_kg  
    double sockg_copperConcentration_mg_per_kg  
SockgBook {
    string sockg_bookName  
SockgCity {
    string sockg_cityName  
SockgCountry {
    string sockg_countryName  
SockgCounty {
    string sockg_countyName  
SockgCropGrowthStage {
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    string sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_growthStage  
    string sockg_mgtGrowthStages_UID  
SockgDepartment {
    string sockg_departmentName  
SockgExperiment {
    string sockg_startDate  
    double sockg_startDate  
    string sockg_experimentName  
    double sockg_endDate  
    string sockg_endDate  
    string sockg_projectName  
SockgExperimentalUnit {
    double sockg_changeInManagement  
    string sockg_expUnit_UID  
    string sockg_expUnitId  
    double sockg_endDate  
    string sockg_endDate  
    string sockg_startDate  
    double sockg_startDate  
SockgField {
    double sockg_longitude_decimal_deg  
    double sockg_elevation_m  
    string sockg_fieldId  
    double sockg_latitude_decimal_deg  
SockgGasNutrientLoss {
    double sockg_nitrousOxideStd_g_ha  
    string sockg_expUnit_UID  
    string sockg_fieldId  
    string sockg_expUnitId  
    string sockg_measGasNutrientLoss_UID  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    double sockg_ammoniaNitrogenStd_kg_ha  
    double sockg_nitrousOxides_g_ha  
    double sockg_modelIfSimulated  
    string sockg_modelIfSimulated  
    double sockg_samplingStartStopInterval  
    string sockg_samplingStartStopInterval  
    double sockg_nitrogenGasStd_g_ha  
    double sockg_nitrousOxide_g_ha  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_ammoniaNitrogen_kg_ha  
    double sockg_nitrogenGas_g_ha  
    double sockg_time  
    string sockg_time  
    string sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_growthStage  
    string sockg_crop  
    double sockg_crop  
    double sockg_nitrousOxidesStd_g_ha  
SockgGasSample {
    double sockg_methane_gC_per_ha_per_d  
    double sockg_airTemperature_degC  
    double sockg_time  
    string sockg_time  
    double sockg_methaneStd_gC_per_ha_per_d  
    double sockg_carbonDioxide_gC_per_ha_per_d  
    integer sockg_soilMoistureDepth_cm  
    double sockg_soilTemperatureStd_degC  
    double sockg_soilTemperature_degC  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    integer sockg_isNitrousOxideInterpolated  
    double sockg_soilMoisture_percent_volume  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    integer sockg_isCarbonDioxideInterpolated  
    string sockg_chamberPlacement  
    double sockg_chamberPlacement  
    double sockg_carbonDioxideStd_gC_per_ha_per_d  
    double sockg_nitrousOxideStd_gN_per_ha_per_d  
    double sockg_airTemperatureStd_degC  
    string sockg_measGHGFlux_UID  
    double sockg_nitrousOxide_gN_per_ha_per_d  
    string sockg_crop  
    double sockg_crop  
    integer sockg_isMethaneInterpolated  
SockgGrazing {
    double sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogen_kgN_per_ha_per_yr  
    double sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbon_kgC_per_ha_per_yr  
    double sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha_per_yr  
    double sockg_belowGroundBiomassNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha  
    double sockg_aboveGroundBiomassNitrogen_kgN_per_ha  
    double sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha_per_yr  
    string sockg_speciesMix  
    double sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogen_kgN_per_ha_per_yr  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    double sockg_belowGroundBiomassCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha  
    double sockg_belowGroundBiomassCarbon_kgC_per_ha  
    double sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha_per_yr  
    double sockg_groundCoverPercentageStd  
    double sockg_groundCoverPercentage  
    string sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_ligninPercentageStd  
    string sockg_broadleafOrGrass  
    double sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbon_kgC_per_ha_per_yr  
    double sockg_ligninPercentage  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_leafAreaIndexDry_kg_per_ha  
    double sockg_aboveGroundBiomassNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha  
    double sockg_aboveGroundBiomassCarbon_kgC_per_ha  
    double sockg_leafAreaIndexDryStd_kg_per_ha  
    double sockg_aboveGroundBiomassDryStd_kg_per_ha  
    double sockg_aboveGroundBiomassCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha  
    double sockg_aboveGroundBiomassDry_kg_per_ha  
    double sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha_per_yr  
    double sockg_biomassNitrogenPercentage  
    string sockg_measGrazingPlants_UID  
    double sockg_belowGroundBiomassNitrogen_kgN_per_ha  
SockgGrazingManagementEvent {
    string sockg_animalSpecies  
    double sockg_burnIntensity  
    double sockg_yearsBetweenBurns  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_otherEvents  
    string sockg_otherEvents  
    string sockg_startDate  
    double sockg_startDate  
    string sockg_mgtGrazing_UID  
    string sockg_animalClass  
    double sockg_animalClass  
    double sockg_endDate  
    string sockg_endDate  
    double sockg_stockingRate_number_animals_per_ha  
SockgHarvest {
    double sockg_aboveGroundBiomassStd_kg_per_ha  
    double sockg_unitGrainWeightStd_mg  
    double sockg_grainMoisturePercentStd  
    double sockg_grainCarbon_kgC_per_ha  
    double sockg_rootNitrogenContentStd_kgN_per_ha  
    double sockg_unitGrainWeight_mg  
    double sockg_aboveGroundBiomass_kg_per_ha  
    double sockg_grainNitrogen_kgN_per_ha  
    double sockg_rootMoisturePercentStd  
    double sockg_grainYield_kg_per_ha  
    double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMoisturePercent  
    double sockg_cornEarHeight_cm  
    double sockg_driedHarvestedResidue_kg_per_ha  
    double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMoisturePercentStd  
    double sockg_rootDryMatterStd_kg_per_ha  
    string sockg_harvestedFrac  
    double sockg_harvestedFrac  
    string sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_cornEarHeightStd_cm  
    double sockg_rootMoisturePercent  
    double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueNitrogenContent_kgN_per_ha  
    double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueCarbonContentStd_kgC_per_ha  
    double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueCarbonContent_kgC_per_ha  
    double sockg_grainNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha  
    double sockg_rootNitrogenContent_kgN_per_ha  
    double sockg_driedHarvestedResidueStd_kg_per_ha  
    double sockg_rootCarbonContentStd_kgC_per_ha  
    double sockg_rootCarbonContent_kgC_per_ha  
    double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMassStd_kg_per_ha  
    string sockg_measResidueMgnt_UID  
    double sockg_grainYieldStd_kg_per_ha  
    double sockg_rootDryMatter_kg_per_ha  
    double sockg_grainMoisturePercent  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    double sockg_grainCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha  
    double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMass_kg_per_ha  
    double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueNitrogenContentStd_kgN_per_ha  
SockgHarvestFraction {
    double sockg_dryBiomass_kg_per_ha  
    double sockg_dryBiomassStd_kg_per_ha  
    double sockg_nitrogen_kgN_per_ha  
    string sockg_measHarvestFraction_UID  
    double sockg_carbonStd_kgC_per_ha  
    double sockg_carbon_kgC_per_ha  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_moisturePercent  
    string sockg_plantFraction  
    double sockg_plantFraction  
    double sockg_grainWeight_mg_per_kernel  
    double sockg_moisturePercentStd  
    double sockg_nitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha  
    double sockg_grainWeightStd_mg_per_lernel  
    string sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_growthStage  
SockgNutrientEfficiency {
    string sockg_crop  
    double sockg_crop  
    string sockg_expUnit_UID  
    string sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_nitrogenUseEfficiency_kg_ha  
    string sockg_fieldId  
    string sockg_plantFraction  
    double sockg_plantFraction  
    string sockg_expUnitId  
    double sockg_nitrogenUseEfficiencyPct  
    double sockg_nutrientEfficiencyRatio_kg_kg  
    double sockg_agronomicEfficiency_kg_kg  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    string sockg_measNutrEff_UID  
    double sockg_fracNitrogen_kg_ha  
SockgOrganization {
    string sockg_organizationName  
SockgPerson {
    string sockg_email  
    double sockg_email  
    double sockg_note  
    string sockg_note  
    string sockg_persons_UID  
    double sockg_phoneNumber  
    string sockg_phoneNumber  
    string sockg_website  
    double sockg_website  
    string sockg_middleName  
    double sockg_middleName  
    string sockg_suffix  
    double sockg_suffix  
    string sockg_roleInStudy  
    double sockg_roleInStudy  
    string sockg_firstName  
    string sockg_lastName  
    string sockg_isPrimaryContact  
    double sockg_isPrimaryContact  
    string sockg_profession  
    double sockg_profession  
SockgPesticide {
    double sockg_pesticidePlacement  
    string sockg_pesticidePlacement  
    string sockg_pesticideActiveIngredientType  
    double sockg_pesticideActiveIngredientType  
    double sockg_pesticideTarget  
    string sockg_pesticideTarget  
    string sockg_pesticide_UID  
    double sockg_totalPesticideAmount_kg_per_ha  
SockgPlantingEvent {
    double sockg_plantingMethod  
    string sockg_plantingMethod  
    double sockg_rowWidth_cm  
    string sockg_cultivar  
    double sockg_cultivar  
    double sockg_depth_cm  
    string sockg_mgtPlanting_UID  
SockgProject {
    string sockg_projectName  
SockgPublication {
    string sockg_title  
    double sockg_title  
    string sockg_identifier  
    string sockg_correspondingAuthor  
    double sockg_correspondingAuthor  
    string sockg_author  
    string sockg_citation  
SockgResidueManagementEvent {
    string sockg_stageAtHarvest  
    double sockg_stageAtHarvest  
    double sockg_perennialStandAge_years  
    integer sockg_rowsHarvestedPercent  
    string sockg_equipmentType  
    double sockg_equipmentType  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    string sockg_mgtResidue_UID  
SockgRotation {
    string sockg_rotationDescriptor  
SockgSite {
    double sockg_siteIdDescriptor  
    double sockg_majorLandResourceArea  
    string sockg_siteSpatialDescription  
    double sockg_siteNativeVegetation  
    string sockg_siteId  
    double sockg_postalCodeNumber  
    double sockg_siteHistory  
SockgSoilBiologicalSample {
    double sockg_particulateOrganicMatterStd_gC_per_kg  
    double sockg_carbonMicrobialBiomassStd_mgC_per_kg  
    double sockg_organicPlantMaterial_gC_per_kg  
    double sockg_alkPhosphatase_mg_per_kg_per_hr  
    double sockg_acidPhosphatase_mg_per_kg_per_hr  
    double sockg_glomalinStd_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_glucosidaseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr  
    double sockg_glucosidase_mg_per_kg_per_hr  
    double sockg_carbonMicrobialBiomass_mgC_per_kg  
    double sockg_lowerDepth_cm  
    integer sockg_lowerDepth_cm  
    double sockg_glucosaminidase_mg_per_kg_per_hr  
    double sockg_glomalin_g_per_kg  
    double sockg_upperDepth_cm  
    integer sockg_upperDepth_cm  
    double sockg_glucosaminidaseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    double sockg_particulateOrganicMatter_gC_per_kg  
    double sockg_organicPlantMaterialStd_gC_per_kg  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_nitrogenMicrobialBiomass_mgN_per_kg  
    double sockg_nitrogenMicrobialBiomassStd_mgN_per_kg  
    double sockg_alkPhosphataseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr  
    string sockg_measSoilBiol_UID  
    double sockg_acidPhosphataseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr  
SockgSoilChemicalSample {
    double sockg_extractableZinc_mgZn_per_kg  
    double sockg_nitrateStd_mgN_per_kg  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    double sockg_lowerDepth_cm  
    integer sockg_lowerDepth_cm  
    double sockg_inorganicCarbon_gC_per_kg  
    string sockg_measSoilChem_UID  
    double sockg_extractableCalciumStd_mgCa_per_kg  
    double sockg_extractableManganese_mgMN_per_kg  
    double sockg_nitrites_mgN_per_kg  
    double sockg_organicCarbonStd_gC_per_kg  
    double sockg_extractableIronStd_mgFe_per_kg  
    double sockg_mineralCarbon_gC_per_kg  
    double sockg_ammoniumStd_mgN_per_kg  
    double sockg_extractableCalcium_mgCa_per_kg  
    double sockg_potassium_mgK_per_kg  
    double sockg_electricalConductivity_siemens_per_m  
    double sockg_ph  
    double sockg_extractableIron_mgFe_per_kg  
    double sockg_solubleOrganicCarbonStd_mgC_per_kg  
    double sockg_electricalConductivityStd_siemens_per_m  
    double sockg_inorganicCarbonStd_gC_per_kg  
    double sockg_extractableZincStd_mgZn_per_kg  
    double sockg_organicCarbon_gC_per_kg  
    double sockg_nitrate_mgN_per_kg  
    double sockg_potassiumStd_mgK_per_kg  
    double sockg_mineralizableNitrogen_gN_per_kg  
    double sockg_totalSoilNitrogenStd_gN_per_kg  
    double sockg_mineralizableNitrogenStd_gN_per_kg  
    double sockg_solubleOrganicCarbon_mgC_per_kg  
    double sockg_extractableCopperStd_mgCu_per_kg  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_upperDepth_cm  
    integer sockg_upperDepth_cm  
    double sockg_phosphorus_mgP_per_kg  
    double sockg_extractableCopper_mgCu_per_kg  
    double sockg_cationExchangeCapacityStd_cmol_per_kg  
    double sockg_extractableManganeseStd_mgMN_per_kg  
    double sockg_totalSoilNitrogen_gN_per_kg  
    double sockg_nitritesStd_mgN_per_kg  
    double sockg_extractableMagnesium_mgMg_per_kg  
    double sockg_cationExchangeCapacity_cmol_per_kg  
    double sockg_mineralCarbonStd_gC_per_kg  
    double sockg_totalSoilCarbonStd_gC_per_kg  
    double sockg_extractableMagnesiumStd_mgMg_per_kg  
    double sockg_phosphorusStd_mgP_per_kg  
    double sockg_totalSoilCarbon_gC_per_kg  
    double sockg_ammonium_mgN_per_kg  
SockgSoilCover {
    double sockg_soilWithResidueCoverPercent  
    string sockg_measSoilCover_UID  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
SockgSoilPhysicalSample {
    double sockg_wiltingPoint_percent_volume  
    double sockg_aggregationPercent  
    double sockg_upperDepth_cm  
    integer sockg_upperDepth_cm  
    double sockg_wiltingPointStd_percent_volume  
    double sockg_lowerDepth_cm  
    integer sockg_lowerDepth_cm  
    double sockg_clayPercent  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    double sockg_saturatedHydraulicConductivityStd_cm_per_sec  
    double sockg_macroAggregatesPercentStd  
    double sockg_sandPercent  
    double sockg_siltPercent  
    double sockg_waterStableAggregatesPercentStd  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_waterStableAggregatePercent  
    double sockg_moistureReleaseCurve  
    double sockg_saturatedHydraulicConductivity_cm_per_sec  
    double sockg_nearInfraredCarbonStd_gC_per_kg  
    string sockg_measSoilPhys_UID  
    double sockg_bulkDensity_g_per_cm_cubed  
    double sockg_bulkDensityStd_g_per_cm_cubed  
    double sockg_nearInfraredCarbon_gC_per_kg  
SockgState {
    string sockg_stateProvince  
SockgTillage {
    string sockg_mgtTillage_UID  
SockgTreatment {
    string sockg_fertilizerAmendmentClass  
    double sockg_fertilizerAmendmentClass  
    string sockg_organicManagement  
    string sockg_treatmentDescriptor  
    double sockg_tileDrainage  
    string sockg_tileDrainage  
    string sockg_tillageDescriptor  
    double sockg_tillageDescriptor  
    string sockg_projectScenario  
    double sockg_grazingRate  
    string sockg_grazingRate  
    double sockg_coverCrop  
    string sockg_coverCrop  
    string sockg_residueRemoval  
    string sockg_irrigation  
    double sockg_nitrogenTreatmentDescriptor  
    string sockg_nitrogenTreatmentDescriptor  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
SockgVersion {
    string sockg_versionDate  
SockgWaterQualityArea {
    double sockg_soilOrganicCarbon_kgC_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedManganese_gMn_ha  
    double sockg_erosionSedimentStd_t_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedBoron_gB_ha  
    double sockg_ph  
    double sockg_totalChloride_kg_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedMagnesium_kgMg_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedPotassiumStd_kgK_ha  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_dissolvedPotassium_kgK_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedSodium_kgNa_ha  
    double sockg_soilOrganicCarbonStd_kgC_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedCalciumStd_kgCa_ha  
    double sockg_totalDissolvedNitrogen_kgN_ha  
    double sockg_dissovledSiliconStd_kgSi_ha  
    string sockg_measWaterQualityArea_UID  
    double sockg_nitrateNitrogen_kg_ha  
    double sockg_nitrateStd_kgN_ha  
    double sockg_modelIfSimulated  
    string sockg_modelIfSimulated  
    double sockg_totalDissolvedNitrogenStd_kgN_ha  
    double sockg_erosionSediment_t_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedSulfur_kgS_ha  
    string sockg_expUnitId  
    double sockg_totalDissolvedPhosphorus_kgP_ha  
    double sockg_waterStd_mm  
    string sockg_crop  
    double sockg_crop  
    double sockg_erosionTotalSolidsStd_t_ha  
    double sockg_totalPhosphorusStd_kgP_ha  
    string sockg_fieldId  
    double sockg_dissolvedCopperStd_gCu_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedCalcium_kgCa_ha  
    string sockg_surfaceOrLeaching  
    double sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolids_t_ha  
    double sockg_samplingStartStopInterval  
    string sockg_samplingStartStopInterval  
    double sockg_dissolvedZinc_gZn_ha  
    double sockg_electricalConductivity_ms_cm  
    double sockg_erosionMethod  
    double sockg_dissolvedManganeseStd_gMn_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedIronStd_gFe_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedCopper_gCu_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedIron_gFe_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedSulfurStd_kgS_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedSilicon_kgSi_ha  
    double sockg_phStd  
    double sockg_totalDissolvedPhosphorusStd_jgP_ha  
    double sockg_dissovledSodiumStd_kgNa_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedMagnesiumStd_kgMg_ha  
    double sockg_totalNitrogenStd_kgN_ha  
    double sockg_time  
    string sockg_time  
    double sockg_dissolvedMolybdenum_gMo_ha  
    string sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolidsStd_t_ha  
    double sockg_lossesOrDeposition  
    string sockg_lossesOrDeposition  
    double sockg_dissolvedZincStd_gZn_ha  
    double sockg_electricalConductivityStd_ms_cm  
    double sockg_dissolvedBoronStd_gB_ha  
    double sockg_inorganicNitrogenStd_kgN_ha  
    double sockg_dissolvedMolybdenumStd_gMo_ha  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    double sockg_erosionTotalSolids_t_ha  
SockgWaterQualityConc {
    double sockg_samplingStartStopInterval  
    string sockg_samplingStartStopInterval  
    double sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolidsStd_kg  
    double sockg_erosionSedimentStd_kg  
    string sockg_measWaterQualityConc_UID  
    double sockg_erosionSediment_kg  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_ph  
    double sockg_waterStd_mm  
    string sockg_surfaceOrLeaching  
    double sockg_phStd  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    string sockg_expUnitId  
    double sockg_electricalConductivityStd_ms_cm  
    double sockg_electricalConductivity_ms_cm  
    string sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_water_mm  
    integer sockg_samplingDepth_cm  
    double sockg_erosionTotalSolids_kg  
    double sockg_erosionTotalSolidsStd_kg  
    string sockg_expUnit_UID  
    double sockg_erosionMethod  
    string sockg_fieldId  
    double sockg_time  
    string sockg_time  
    double sockg_modelIfSimulated  
    string sockg_modelIfSimulated  
    double sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolids_kg  
    string sockg_crop  
    double sockg_crop  
SockgWeatherObservation {
    double sockg_windSpeed_m_per_s  
    double sockg_precipitation_mm_per_d  
    double sockg_tempMax_degC  
    double sockg_weatherBadValueFlag  
    double sockg_windDirectionDegFromNorth  
    double sockg_atmosphericNitrogenDeposition_kg_per_ha_per_d  
    double sockg_relativeHumidityPercent  
    double sockg_soilTemp5cm_degC  
    double sockg_snow_mm_per_d  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    double sockg_solarRadiationBareSoil_MJ_per_m_squared_per_d  
    double sockg_closedPanEvaporation_mm_per_d  
    double sockg_tempMin_degC  
    double sockg_openPanEvaporation_mm_per_d  
    double sockg_solarRadiationVegetatedGround_MJ_per_m_squared_per_d  
    string sockg_weatherDaily_UID  
    double sockg_soilTemp10cm_degC  
SockgWeatherStation {
    double sockg_elevation_m  
    string sockg_weatherStationId  
SockgWindErosionArea {
    double sockg_silicon_kg_ha  
    double sockg_electricalConductivity_ms_cm  
    double sockg_potassiumStd_kg_ha  
    double sockg_inorganicNitrogenStd_kgN_ha  
    double sockg_phosphorusStd_kg_ha  
    double sockg_totalNitrogen_kg_ha  
    double sockg_molybdenum_g_ha  
    string sockg_fieldId  
    double sockg_boronStd_g_ha  
    double sockg_samplingStartStopInterval  
    string sockg_samplingStartStopInterval  
    double sockg_iron_g_ha  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_manganese_g_ha  
    double sockg_sulfur_kg_ha  
    double sockg_aluminumStd_kg_ha  
    double sockg_erosionMethod  
    string sockg_expUnit_UID  
    double sockg_totalNitrogenStd_kgN_ha  
    double sockg_lossesOrDeposition  
    string sockg_lossesOrDeposition  
    string sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_inorganicNitrogen_kgN_ha  
    double sockg_zinc_g_ha  
    string sockg_measWindErosionArea_UID  
    double sockg_calcium_kg_ha  
    double sockg_molybdenumStd_g_ha  
    double sockg_sulfurStd_kg_ha  
    string sockg_crop  
    double sockg_crop  
    double sockg_copper_g_ha  
    double sockg_phosphorus_kg_ha  
    double sockg_magnesium_kg_ha  
    double sockg_ironStd_g_ha  
    double sockg_soilOrganicCarbonStd_kgC_ha  
    double sockg_siliconStd_kg_ha  
    double sockg_calciumStd_kg_ha  
    double sockg_sodiumStd_kg_ha  
    double sockg_nitrateStd_kgN_ha  
    double sockg_nitrate_kg_ha  
    double sockg_soilStd_t_ha  
    double sockg_phStd  
    double sockg_modelIfSimulated  
    string sockg_modelIfSimulated  
    string sockg_expUnitId  
    double sockg_zincStd_g_ha  
    double sockg_potassium_kg_ha  
    double sockg_time  
    string sockg_time  
    double sockg_ph  
    double sockg_sodium_kg_ha  
    double sockg_electricalConductivityStd_ms_cm  
    double sockg_copperStd_g_ha  
    double sockg_magnesiumStd_kg_ha  
    double sockg_manganeseStd_g_ha  
    double sockg_aluminum_kg_ha  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    double sockg_boron_g_ha  
    double sockg_soil_t_ha  
SockgYieldNutrientUptake {
    double sockg_fracBoron_gB_ha  
    double sockg_fracProductivityStd_kg_ha  
    double sockg_fracCarbonStd_kgC_ha  
    double sockg_fracNitrogenStd_kgN_ha  
    double sockg_fracZincStd_gZn_ha  
    string sockg_crop  
    double sockg_crop  
    string sockg_measYieldNutUptake_UID  
    double sockg_fracSulfur_kgS_ha  
    double sockg_modelIfSimulated  
    string sockg_modelIfSimulated  
    double sockg_fracMolybdenumStd_gMo_ha  
    double sockg_fracPotassiumStd_kgK_ha  
    string sockg_plantFraction  
    double sockg_plantFraction  
    double sockg_grainWeightKernelYnu_mg  
    double sockg_fracMagnesium_kgMg_ha  
    double sockg_fracCarbon_kgC_ha  
    double sockg_fracManganeseStd_gMn_ha  
    string sockg_treatmentId  
    double sockg_fracCopperStd_gCu_ha  
    double sockg_fracMagnesiumStd_kgMg_ha  
    double sockg_fracIron_gFe_ha  
    double sockg_fracCalcium_kgCa_ha  
    double sockg_fracPhosphorus_kgP_ha  
    string sockg_fieldId  
    double sockg_fracIronStd_gFe_ha  
    double sockg_fracMoisturePercentStd  
    string sockg_expUnit_UID  
    double sockg_fracZinc_gZn_ha  
    double sockg_fracSulfurStd_kgS_ha  
    double sockg_fracPotassium_kgK_ha  
    double sockg_fracMoisturePercent  
    double sockg_fracCopper_gCu_ha  
    double sockg_fracMolybdenum_gMo_ha  
    double sockg_fracCalciumStd_kgCa_ha  
    string sockg_date  
    double sockg_date  
    double sockg_fracBoronStd_gB_ha  
    string sockg_expUnitId  
    double sockg_grainWeightKernelYnuStd_mg  
    double sockg_fracCropProductivity_kg_ha  
    double sockg_fracManganese_gMn_ha  
    string sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_growthStage  
    double sockg_fracPhosphorusStd_kgP_ha  
    double sockg_fracNitrogen_kgN_ha  

SockgAmendment ||--|o SockgPesticide : "sockg_hasPesticide"
SockgCountry ||--|o SockgState : "sockg_hasState"
SockgCounty ||--|o SockgCity : "sockg_hasCity"
SockgDepartment ||--|o SockgOrganization : "sockg_departmentOf"
SockgExperiment ||--|o SockgTreatment : "sockg_hasTreatment"
SockgExperiment ||--|o SockgSite : "sockg_happenedInSite"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgSoilBiologicalSample : "sockg_hasBioSample"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgSoilChemicalSample : "sockg_hasChemSample"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgSoilPhysicalSample : "sockg_hasPhySample"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgHarvestFraction : "sockg_hasHarvestFractionData"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgBioMassMineral : "sockg_hasBioMassMineralData"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgGasSample : "sockg_hasGasSample"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgGrazing : "sockg_hasGrazingData"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgTillage : "sockg_hasTillage"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgAmendment : "sockg_hasAmendment"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgCropGrowthStage : "sockg_tracksGrowth"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgGrazingManagementEvent : "sockg_hasGrazingManagementEvent"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgHarvest : "sockg_isHarvested"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_locatedInField"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgBioMassEnergy : "sockg_hasBioMassEnergyData"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgBioMassCarbohydrate : "sockg_hasBioMassCarbohydrateData"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgResidueManagementEvent : "sockg_hasResidueManagementEvent"
SockgGasNutrientLoss ||--|o SockgExperimentalUnit : "sockg_hasGasNutrientData"
SockgOrganization ||--|o SockgExperiment : "sockg_fundsExperiment"
SockgPerson ||--|o SockgSite : "sockg_worksIn"
SockgPerson ||--|o SockgDepartment : "sockg_worksAtDepartment"
SockgPerson ||--|o SockgOrganization : "sockg_worksFor"
SockgPlantingEvent ||--|o SockgExperimentalUnit : "sockg_plantingAt"
SockgPublication ||--|o SockgSite : "sockg_studiesSite"
SockgSite ||--|o SockgCounty : "sockg_locatedInCounty"
SockgSite ||--|o SockgState : "sockg_locatedInState"
SockgSite ||--|o SockgCity : "sockg_locatedInCity"
SockgSite ||--|o SockgCountry : "sockg_locatedInCountry"
SockgSite ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_hasField"
SockgState ||--|o SockgCounty : "sockg_hasCounty"
SockgTreatment ||--|o SockgRotation : "sockg_hasRotation"
SockgWaterQualityArea ||--|o SockgExperimentalUnit : "sockg_hasWaterQualityAreaData"
SockgWaterQualityArea ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_waterQualityAreaDataAt"
SockgWaterQualityArea ||--|o SockgTreatment : "sockg_waterQualityAreaTreatment"
SockgWaterQualityConc ||--|o SockgTreatment : "sockg_waterQualityConcTreatment"
SockgWaterQualityConc ||--|o SockgExperimentalUnit : "sockg_hasWaterQualityConcData"
SockgWaterQualityConc ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_waterQualityConcDataAt"
SockgWeatherObservation ||--|o SockgSite : "sockg_weatherRecordedAt"
SockgWeatherObservation ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_weatherAtField"
SockgWeatherStation ||--|o SockgWeatherObservation : "sockg_weatherRecordedBy"
SockgWeatherStation ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_recordsWeatherForField"
SockgWeatherStation ||--|o SockgSite : "sockg_recordsWeatherForSite"
SockgWindErosionArea ||--|o SockgExperimentalUnit : "sockg_hasWindErosionData"
SockgWindErosionArea ||--|o SockgTreatment : "sockg_windErosionTreatment"
SockgWindErosionArea ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_windErosionDataAt"
SockgYieldNutrientUptake ||--|o SockgExperimentalUnit : "sockg_hasYieldNutrUptakeData"
SockgYieldNutrientUptake ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_yieldNutrUptakeDataAt"
SockgYieldNutrientUptake ||--|o SockgTreatment : "sockg_yieldNutrUptakeTreatment"

IRI prefixes

  • linkml:
  • sockg:
  • xsd:


Class Description
SockgAmendment No type description provided
SockgBioMassCarbohydrate No type description provided
SockgBioMassEnergy No type description provided
SockgBioMassMineral No type description provided
SockgBook No type description provided
SockgCity No type description provided
SockgCountry No type description provided
SockgCounty No type description provided
SockgCropGrowthStage No type description provided
SockgDepartment No type description provided
SockgExperiment No type description provided
SockgExperimentalUnit No type description provided
SockgField No type description provided
SockgGasNutrientLoss No type description provided
SockgGasSample No type description provided
SockgGrazing No type description provided
SockgGrazingManagementEvent No type description provided
SockgHarvest No type description provided
SockgHarvestFraction No type description provided
SockgNutrientEfficiency No type description provided
SockgOrganization No type description provided
SockgPerson No type description provided
SockgPesticide No type description provided
SockgPlantingEvent No type description provided
SockgProject No type description provided
SockgPublication No type description provided
SockgResidueManagementEvent No type description provided
SockgRotation No type description provided
SockgSite No type description provided
SockgSoilBiologicalSample No type description provided
SockgSoilChemicalSample No type description provided
SockgSoilCover No type description provided
SockgSoilPhysicalSample No type description provided
SockgState No type description provided
SockgTillage No type description provided
SockgTreatment No type description provided
SockgVersion No type description provided
SockgWaterQualityArea No type description provided
SockgWaterQualityConc No type description provided
SockgWeatherObservation No type description provided
SockgWeatherStation No type description provided
SockgWindErosionArea No type description provided
SockgYieldNutrientUptake No type description provided


Slot Description
sockg_aboveGroundBiomass_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_aboveGroundBiomassCarbon_kgC_per_ha No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_aboveGroundBiomassCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_aboveGroundBiomassDry_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_aboveGroundBiomassDryStd_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_aboveGroundBiomassNitrogen_kgN_per_ha No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_aboveGroundBiomassNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_aboveGroundBiomassStd_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbon_kgC_per_ha_per_yr No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha_per_yr No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogen_kgN_per_ha_per_yr No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha_per_yr No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_acidDetFiber_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_acidDetFiberStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_acidInsolubleLignin_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_acidInsolubleLigninStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_acidPhosphatase_mg_per_kg_per_hr No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_acidPhosphataseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_acidSolubleLignin_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_acidSolubleLigninStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_aggregationPercent No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_agronomicEfficiency_kg_kg No slot description provided
2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type xsd:double.
sockg_airTemperature_degC No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_airTemperatureStd_degC No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_alkPhosphatase_mg_per_kg_per_hr No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_alkPhosphataseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_aluminum_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_aluminumConcentration_mg_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_aluminumConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_aluminumStd_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_amendmentPlacement No slot description provided
22264 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type string.
15532 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double.
sockg_ammoniaNitrogen_kg_ha No slot description provided
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double.
sockg_ammoniaNitrogenStd_kg_ha No slot description provided
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double.
sockg_ammonium_mgN_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_ammoniumStd_mgN_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_animalClass No slot description provided
1833 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type string.
118 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type xsd:double.
sockg_animalSpecies No slot description provided
1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type string.
sockg_arabinan_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_arabinanStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_ash_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_ashStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_atmosphericNitrogenDeposition_kg_per_ha_per_d No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_author No slot description provided
114 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type string.
sockg_belowGroundBiomassCarbon_kgC_per_ha No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_belowGroundBiomassCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_belowGroundBiomassNitrogen_kgN_per_ha No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_belowGroundBiomassNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbon_kgC_per_ha_per_yr No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha_per_yr No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogen_kgN_per_ha_per_yr No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha_per_yr No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_biomassNitrogenPercentage No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_bookName No slot description provided
2 occurrences with subject type sockg:Book and object type string.
sockg_boron_g_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_boronConcentration_mg_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_boronConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_boronStd_g_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_broadleafOrGrass No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type string.
sockg_bulkDensity_g_per_cm_cubed No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_bulkDensityStd_g_per_cm_cubed No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_burnIntensity No slot description provided
1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type xsd:double.
sockg_calcium_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_calciumConcentration_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_calciumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_calciumStd_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_carbon_kgC_per_ha No slot description provided
9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double.
sockg_carbonConcentration_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_carbonConcentrationStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_carbonDioxide_gC_per_ha_per_d No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_carbonDioxideStd_gC_per_ha_per_d No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_carbonMicrobialBiomass_mgC_per_kg No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_carbonMicrobialBiomassStd_mgC_per_kg No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_carbonStd_kgC_per_ha No slot description provided
9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double.
sockg_cationExchangeCapacity_cmol_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_cationExchangeCapacityStd_cmol_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_chamberPlacement No slot description provided
103543 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type string.
3811 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_changeInManagement No slot description provided
3809 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type xsd:double.
sockg_chlorineConcentration_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_chlorineConcentrationStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_citation No slot description provided
114 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type string.
sockg_cityName No slot description provided
33 occurrences with subject type sockg:City and object type string.
sockg_clayPercent No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_closedPanEvaporation_mm_per_d No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_copper_g_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_copperConcentration_mg_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_copperConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_copperStd_g_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_cornEarHeight_cm No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_cornEarHeightStd_cm No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_correspondingAuthor No slot description provided
105 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type string.
9 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type xsd:double.
sockg_countryName No slot description provided
3 occurrences with subject type sockg:Country and object type string.
sockg_countyName No slot description provided
33 occurrences with subject type sockg:County and object type string.
sockg_coverCrop No slot description provided
575 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type xsd:double.
194 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string.
sockg_crop No slot description provided
2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string.
105046 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type string.
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type string.
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type string.
799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type string.
2308 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double.
553 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string.
698 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double.
926 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
50 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_crudeProtein_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_crudeProteinStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_cultivar No slot description provided
20817 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type string.
2633 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type xsd:double.
sockg_date No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type string.
147304 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type string.
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type string.
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type string.
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type string.
4896 occurrences with subject type sockg:CropGrowthStage and object type string.
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type string.
18304 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type string.
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type string.
3308 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type string.
2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string.
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type string.
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string.
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string.
1034 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilCover and object type string.
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string.
52 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type string.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type string.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string.
1 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_departmentName No slot description provided
33 occurrences with subject type sockg:Department and object type string.
sockg_departmentOf No slot description provided
11 occurrences with subject type sockg:Department and object type sockg:Organization.
sockg_depth_cm No slot description provided
23450 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedBoron_gB_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedBoronStd_gB_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedCalcium_kgCa_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedCalciumStd_kgCa_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedCopper_gCu_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedCopperStd_gCu_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedIron_gFe_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedIronStd_gFe_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedMagnesium_kgMg_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedMagnesiumStd_kgMg_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedManganese_gMn_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedManganeseStd_gMn_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedMolybdenum_gMo_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedMolybdenumStd_gMo_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedPotassium_kgK_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedPotassiumStd_kgK_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedSilicon_kgSi_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedSodium_kgNa_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedSulfur_kgS_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedSulfurStd_kgS_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedZinc_gZn_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissolvedZincStd_gZn_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissovledSiliconStd_kgSi_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dissovledSodiumStd_kgNa_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_driedHarvestedResidue_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_driedHarvestedResidueStd_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dryBiomass_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double.
sockg_dryBiomassStd_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double.
sockg_electricalConductivity_ms_cm No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_electricalConductivity_siemens_per_m No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_electricalConductivityStd_ms_cm No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_electricalConductivityStd_siemens_per_m No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_elevation_m No slot description provided
58 occurrences with subject type sockg:Field and object type xsd:double.
12 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherStation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_email No slot description provided
86 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string.
12 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double.
sockg_endDate No slot description provided
37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double.
2026 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type xsd:double.
1783 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type string.
1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type string.
55 occurrences with subject type sockg:Experiment and object type string.
sockg_equipmentType No slot description provided
3044 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type string.
264 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type xsd:double.
sockg_erosionMethod No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_erosionSediment_kg No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
sockg_erosionSediment_t_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_erosionSedimentStd_kg No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
sockg_erosionSedimentStd_t_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_erosionTotalSolids_kg No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
sockg_erosionTotalSolids_t_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_erosionTotalSolidsStd_kg No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
sockg_erosionTotalSolidsStd_t_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolids_kg No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolids_t_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolidsStd_kg No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolidsStd_t_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_experimentName No slot description provided
55 occurrences with subject type sockg:Experiment and object type string.
sockg_expUnit_UID No slot description provided
3809 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type string.
2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string.
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string.
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string.
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string.
sockg_expUnitId No slot description provided
3809 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type string.
2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string.
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string.
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type string.
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string.
sockg_extractableCalcium_mgCa_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_extractableCalciumStd_mgCa_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_extractableCopper_mgCu_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_extractableCopperStd_mgCu_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_extractableIron_mgFe_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_extractableIronStd_mgFe_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_extractableMagnesium_mgMg_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_extractableMagnesiumStd_mgMg_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_extractableManganese_mgMN_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_extractableManganeseStd_mgMN_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_extractableZinc_mgZn_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_extractableZincStd_mgZn_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fertilizerAmendmentClass No slot description provided
653 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string.
116 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fieldId No slot description provided
2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string.
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type string.
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string.
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string.
58 occurrences with subject type sockg:Field and object type string.
sockg_firstName No slot description provided
98 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string.
sockg_fracBoron_gB_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracBoronStd_gB_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracCalcium_kgCa_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracCalciumStd_kgCa_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracCarbon_kgC_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracCarbonStd_kgC_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracCopper_gCu_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracCopperStd_gCu_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracCropProductivity_kg_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracIron_gFe_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracIronStd_gFe_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracMagnesium_kgMg_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracMagnesiumStd_kgMg_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracManganese_gMn_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracManganeseStd_gMn_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracMoisturePercent No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracMoisturePercentStd No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracMolybdenum_gMo_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracMolybdenumStd_gMo_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracNitrogen_kg_ha No slot description provided
2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracNitrogen_kgN_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracNitrogenStd_kgN_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracPhosphorus_kgP_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracPhosphorusStd_kgP_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracPotassium_kgK_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracPotassiumStd_kgK_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracProductivityStd_kg_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracSulfur_kgS_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracSulfurStd_kgS_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracZinc_gZn_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fracZincStd_gZn_ha No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_fundsExperiment No slot description provided
3 occurrences with subject type sockg:Organization and object type sockg:Experiment.
sockg_galactan_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_galactanStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_glomalin_g_per_kg No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_glomalinStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_glucan_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_glucanStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_glucosaminidase_mg_per_kg_per_hr No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_glucosaminidaseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_glucosidase_mg_per_kg_per_hr No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_glucosidaseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_grainCarbon_kgC_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_grainCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_grainMoisturePercent No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_grainMoisturePercentStd No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_grainNitrogen_kgN_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_grainNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_grainWeight_mg_per_kernel No slot description provided
9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double.
sockg_grainWeightKernelYnu_mg No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_grainWeightKernelYnuStd_mg No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
sockg_grainWeightStd_mg_per_lernel No slot description provided
9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double.
sockg_grainYield_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_grainYieldStd_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_grazingRate No slot description provided
749 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type xsd:double.
20 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string.
sockg_grossCalorificValue_MJ_per_kg No slot description provided
799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type xsd:double.
sockg_grossCalorificValueStd_MJ_per_kg No slot description provided
799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type xsd:double.
sockg_groundCoverPercentage No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_groundCoverPercentageStd No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_growthStage No slot description provided
17240 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type string.
6683 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type string.
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type string.
2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string.
9407 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type string.
4896 occurrences with subject type sockg:CropGrowthStage and object type string.
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type string.
799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type string.
1116 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
812 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string.
684 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
312 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string.
64 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string.
63 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double.
sockg_happenedInSite No slot description provided
61 occurrences with subject type sockg:Experiment and object type sockg:Site.
sockg_harvestedFrac No slot description provided
18047 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type string.
309 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_hasAmendment No slot description provided
37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:Amendment.
sockg_hasBioMassCarbohydrateData No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate.
sockg_hasBioMassEnergyData No slot description provided
799 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:BioMassEnergy.
sockg_hasBioMassMineralData No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:BioMassMineral.
sockg_hasBioSample No slot description provided
16926 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample.
sockg_hasChemSample No slot description provided
52537 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:SoilChemicalSample.
sockg_hasCity No slot description provided
33 occurrences with subject type sockg:County and object type sockg:City.
sockg_hasCounty No slot description provided
34 occurrences with subject type sockg:State and object type sockg:County.
sockg_hasField No slot description provided
65 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type sockg:Field.
sockg_hasGasNutrientData No slot description provided
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type sockg:ExperimentalUnit.
sockg_hasGasSample No slot description provided
106447 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:GasSample.
sockg_hasGrazingData No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:Grazing.
sockg_hasGrazingManagementEvent No slot description provided
1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent.
sockg_hasHarvestFractionData No slot description provided
9110 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:HarvestFraction.
sockg_hasPesticide No slot description provided
42545 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type sockg:Pesticide.
sockg_hasPhySample No slot description provided
26786 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample.
sockg_hasResidueManagementEvent No slot description provided
3308 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent.
sockg_hasRotation No slot description provided
761 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type sockg:Rotation.
sockg_hasState No slot description provided
20 occurrences with subject type sockg:Country and object type sockg:State.
sockg_hasTillage No slot description provided
27137 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:Tillage.
sockg_hasTreatment No slot description provided
741 occurrences with subject type sockg:Experiment and object type sockg:Treatment.
sockg_hasWaterQualityAreaData No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type sockg:ExperimentalUnit.
sockg_hasWaterQualityConcData No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type sockg:ExperimentalUnit.
sockg_hasWindErosionData No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type sockg:ExperimentalUnit.
sockg_hasYieldNutrUptakeData No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type sockg:ExperimentalUnit.
sockg_identifier No slot description provided
114 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type string.
sockg_inorganicCarbon_gC_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_inorganicCarbonStd_gC_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_inorganicNitrogen_kgN_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_inorganicNitrogenStd_kgN_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_iron_g_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_ironConcentration_mg_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_ironConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_ironStd_g_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_irrigation No slot description provided
769 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string.
sockg_irrigationAmount_cm No slot description provided
37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double.
sockg_irrigationNitrogen_mg_per_L No slot description provided
37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double.
sockg_irrigationType No slot description provided
33571 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double.
4225 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type string.
sockg_isCarbonDioxideInterpolated No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:long.
sockg_isHarvested No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:Harvest.
sockg_isMethaneInterpolated No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:long.
sockg_isNitrousOxideInterpolated No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:long.
sockg_isPrimaryContact No slot description provided
82 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string.
16 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double.
sockg_lastName No slot description provided
98 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string.
sockg_latitude_decimal_deg No slot description provided
58 occurrences with subject type sockg:Field and object type xsd:double.
sockg_leafAreaIndexDry_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_leafAreaIndexDryStd_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_lignin_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_ligninPercentage No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_ligninPercentageStd No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double.
sockg_ligninStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_locatedInCity No slot description provided
59 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type sockg:City.
sockg_locatedInCountry No slot description provided
60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type sockg:Country.
sockg_locatedInCounty No slot description provided
61 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type sockg:County.
sockg_locatedInField No slot description provided
3809 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:Field.
sockg_locatedInState No slot description provided
60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type sockg:State.
sockg_longitude_decimal_deg No slot description provided
58 occurrences with subject type sockg:Field and object type xsd:double.
sockg_lossesOrDeposition No slot description provided
549 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
118 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type string.
5 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string.
10 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_lowerDepth_cm No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:long.
sockg_macroAggregatesPercentStd No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_magnesium_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_magnesiumConcentration_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_magnesiumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_magnesiumStd_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_majorLandResourceArea No slot description provided
60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type xsd:double.
sockg_manganese_g_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_manganeseConcentration_mg_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_manganeseConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_manganeseStd_g_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_mannan_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_mannanStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_measBiomassCHO_UID No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type string.
sockg_measBiomassEnergy_UID No slot description provided
799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type string.
sockg_measBiomassMinAn_UID No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type string.
sockg_measGasNutrientLoss_UID No slot description provided
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string.
sockg_measGHGFlux_UID No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type string.
sockg_measGrazingPlants_UID No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type string.
sockg_measHarvestFraction_UID No slot description provided
9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type string.
sockg_measNutrEff_UID No slot description provided
2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string.
sockg_measResidueMgnt_UID No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type string.
sockg_measSoilBiol_UID No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type string.
sockg_measSoilChem_UID No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type string.
sockg_measSoilCover_UID No slot description provided
1034 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilCover and object type string.
sockg_measSoilPhys_UID No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type string.
sockg_measWaterQualityArea_UID No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type string.
sockg_measWaterQualityConc_UID No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string.
sockg_measWindErosionArea_UID No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string.
sockg_measYieldNutUptake_UID No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string.
sockg_methane_gC_per_ha_per_d No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_methaneStd_gC_per_ha_per_d No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_mgtAmendments_UID No slot description provided
37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type string.
sockg_mgtGrazing_UID No slot description provided
1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type string.
sockg_mgtGrowthStages_UID No slot description provided
4896 occurrences with subject type sockg:CropGrowthStage and object type string.
sockg_mgtPlanting_UID No slot description provided
23450 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type string.
sockg_mgtResidue_UID No slot description provided
3308 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type string.
sockg_mgtTillage_UID No slot description provided
27137 occurrences with subject type sockg:Tillage and object type string.
sockg_middleName No slot description provided
65 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string.
33 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double.
sockg_mineralCarbon_gC_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_mineralCarbonStd_gC_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_mineralizableNitrogen_gN_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_mineralizableNitrogenStd_gN_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_mineralMatter_g_per_kg No slot description provided
799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type xsd:double.
sockg_mineralMatterStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type xsd:double.
sockg_modelIfSimulated No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
692 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double.
1466 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
56 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string.
13 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string.
4 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string.
11 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_moisturePercent No slot description provided
9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double.
sockg_moisturePercentStd No slot description provided
9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double.
sockg_moistureReleaseCurve No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_molybdenum_g_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_molybdenumStd_g_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nearInfraredCarbon_gC_per_kg No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nearInfraredCarbonStd_gC_per_kg No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_neutralDetFiber_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_neutralDetFiberStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrate_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrate_mgN_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrateNitrogen_kg_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrateStd_kgN_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrateStd_mgN_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrites_mgN_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitritesStd_mgN_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrogen_kgN_per_ha No slot description provided
9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrogenConcentration_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrogenConcentrationStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrogenGas_g_ha No slot description provided
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrogenGasStd_g_ha No slot description provided
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrogenMicrobialBiomass_mgN_per_kg No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrogenMicrobialBiomassStd_mgN_per_kg No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha No slot description provided
9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrogenTreatmentDescriptor No slot description provided
19 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type xsd:double.
750 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string.
sockg_nitrogenUseEfficiency_kg_ha No slot description provided
2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrogenUseEfficiencyPct No slot description provided
2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrousOxide_g_ha No slot description provided
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrousOxide_gN_per_ha_per_d No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrousOxides_g_ha No slot description provided
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrousOxidesStd_g_ha No slot description provided
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrousOxideStd_g_ha No slot description provided
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nitrousOxideStd_gN_per_ha_per_d No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nonFiberCarbs_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nonFiberCarbsStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueCarbonContent_kgC_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueCarbonContentStd_kgC_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMass_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMassStd_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMoisturePercent No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMoisturePercentStd No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueNitrogenContent_kgN_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueNitrogenContentStd_kgN_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_note No slot description provided
86 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double.
12 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string.
sockg_nutrientEfficiencyRatio_kg_kg No slot description provided
2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type xsd:double.
sockg_openPanEvaporation_mm_per_d No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_organicCarbon_gC_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_organicCarbonStd_gC_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_organicManagement No slot description provided
769 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string.
sockg_organicPlantMaterial_gC_per_kg No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_organicPlantMaterialStd_gC_per_kg No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_organizationName No slot description provided
7 occurrences with subject type sockg:Organization and object type string.
sockg_otherEvents No slot description provided
1947 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type xsd:double.
4 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type string.
sockg_particulateOrganicMatter_gC_per_kg No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_particulateOrganicMatterStd_gC_per_kg No slot description provided
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_perennialStandAge_years No slot description provided
3308 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type xsd:double.
sockg_persons_UID No slot description provided
98 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string.
sockg_pesticide_UID No slot description provided
356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type string.
sockg_pesticideActiveIngredientType No slot description provided
353 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type string.
3 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type xsd:double.
sockg_pesticidePlacement No slot description provided
126 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type xsd:double.
230 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type string.
sockg_pesticideTarget No slot description provided
109 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type xsd:double.
247 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type string.
sockg_ph No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_phoneNumber No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double.
83 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string.
sockg_phosphorus_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_phosphorus_mgP_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_phosphorusConcentration_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_phosphorusConcentrationStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_phosphorusStd_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_phosphorusStd_mgP_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_phStd No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_plantFraction No slot description provided
9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type string.
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type string.
2683 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string.
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string.
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type string.
799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type string.
108 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type xsd:double.
sockg_plantingAt No slot description provided
23450 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type sockg:ExperimentalUnit.
sockg_plantingMethod No slot description provided
1136 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type xsd:double.
22314 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type string.
sockg_postalCodeNumber No slot description provided
60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type xsd:double.
sockg_potassium_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_potassium_mgK_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_potassiumConcentration_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_potassiumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_potassiumStd_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_potassiumStd_mgK_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_precipitation_mm_per_d No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_profession No slot description provided
93 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string.
5 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double.
sockg_projectName No slot description provided
55 occurrences with subject type sockg:Experiment and object type string.
9 occurrences with subject type sockg:Project and object type string.
sockg_projectScenario No slot description provided
769 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string.
sockg_recordsWeatherForField No slot description provided
14 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherStation and object type sockg:Field.
sockg_recordsWeatherForSite No slot description provided
14 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherStation and object type sockg:Site.
sockg_relativeHumidityPercent No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_residueRemoval No slot description provided
769 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string.
sockg_roleInStudy No slot description provided
93 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string.
5 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double.
sockg_rootCarbonContent_kgC_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_rootCarbonContentStd_kgC_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_rootDryMatter_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_rootDryMatterStd_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_rootMoisturePercent No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_rootMoisturePercentStd No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_rootNitrogenContent_kgN_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_rootNitrogenContentStd_kgN_per_ha No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_rotationDescriptor No slot description provided
66 occurrences with subject type sockg:Rotation and object type string.
sockg_rowsHarvestedPercent No slot description provided
3308 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type xsd:long.
sockg_rowWidth_cm No slot description provided
23450 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type xsd:double.
sockg_samplingDepth_cm No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:long.
sockg_samplingStartStopInterval No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
684 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
812 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string.
64 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string.
sockg_sandPercent No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_saturatedHydraulicConductivity_cm_per_sec No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_saturatedHydraulicConductivityStd_cm_per_sec No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_silicon_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_siliconStd_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_siltPercent No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_siteHistory No slot description provided
60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type xsd:double.
sockg_siteId No slot description provided
60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type string.
sockg_siteIdDescriptor No slot description provided
60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type xsd:double.
sockg_siteNativeVegetation No slot description provided
60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type xsd:double.
sockg_siteSpatialDescription No slot description provided
60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type string.
sockg_snow_mm_per_d No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_sodium_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_sodiumConcentration_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_sodiumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_sodiumStd_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_soil_t_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_soilMoisture_percent_volume No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_soilMoistureDepth_cm No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:long.
sockg_soilOrganicCarbon_kgC_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_soilOrganicCarbonStd_kgC_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_soilStd_t_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_soilTemp10cm_degC No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_soilTemp5cm_degC No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_soilTemperature_degC No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_soilTemperatureStd_degC No slot description provided
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_soilWithResidueCoverPercent No slot description provided
1034 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilCover and object type xsd:double.
sockg_solarRadiationBareSoil_MJ_per_m_squared_per_d No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_solarRadiationVegetatedGround_MJ_per_m_squared_per_d No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_solubleOrganicCarbon_mgC_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_solubleOrganicCarbonStd_mgC_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_speciesMix No slot description provided
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type string.
sockg_stageAtHarvest No slot description provided
1650 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type string.
1658 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type xsd:double.
sockg_startDate No slot description provided
37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type string.
3178 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type string.
1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type string.
631 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type xsd:double.
55 occurrences with subject type sockg:Experiment and object type string.
sockg_stateProvince No slot description provided
20 occurrences with subject type sockg:State and object type string.
sockg_stockingRate_number_animals_per_ha No slot description provided
1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type xsd:double.
sockg_studiesSite No slot description provided
123 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type sockg:Site.
sockg_suffix No slot description provided
32 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string.
66 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double.
sockg_sulfur_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_sulfurConcentration_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_sulfurConcentrationStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_sulfurStd_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_surfaceOrLeaching No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type string.
sockg_tempMax_degC No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_tempMin_degC No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_tileDrainage No slot description provided
331 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type xsd:double.
438 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string.
sockg_tillageDescriptor No slot description provided
719 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string.
50 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type xsd:double.
sockg_time No slot description provided
101883 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double.
5471 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type string.
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_title No slot description provided
107 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type string.
7 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalAmendmentAmount_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalChloride_kg_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalDissolvedNitrogen_kgN_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalDissolvedNitrogenStd_kgN_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalDissolvedPhosphorus_kgP_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalDissolvedPhosphorusStd_jgP_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalNitrogen_kg_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalNitrogenAmount_kgN_per_ha No slot description provided
37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalNitrogenStd_kgN_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalPesticideAmount_kg_per_ha No slot description provided
356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalPhosphorusAmount_kgP_per_ha No slot description provided
37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalPhosphorusStd_kgP_ha No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalPotassiumAmount_kgK_per_ha No slot description provided
37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalSoilCarbon_gC_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalSoilCarbonStd_gC_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalSoilNitrogen_gN_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_totalSoilNitrogenStd_gN_per_kg No slot description provided
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_tracksGrowth No slot description provided
4896 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:CropGrowthStage.
sockg_treatmentDescriptor No slot description provided
769 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string.
sockg_treatmentId No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type string.
107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type string.
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type string.
37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type string.
9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type string.
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type string.
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type string.
4896 occurrences with subject type sockg:CropGrowthStage and object type string.
6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type string.
1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type string.
799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type string.
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type string.
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string.
3308 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type string.
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type string.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type string.
2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string.
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string.
748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string.
769 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string.
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string.
sockg_type No slot description provided
22884 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type string.
14912 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double.
sockg_unitGrainWeight_mg No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_unitGrainWeightStd_mg No slot description provided
18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double.
sockg_upperDepth_cm No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double.
18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:long.
sockg_versionDate No slot description provided
1 occurrences with subject type sockg:Version and object type string.
sockg_volatileMatter_g_per_kg No slot description provided
799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type xsd:double.
sockg_volatileMatterStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type xsd:double.
sockg_water_mm No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
sockg_waterQualityAreaDataAt No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type sockg:Field.
sockg_waterQualityAreaTreatment No slot description provided
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type sockg:Treatment.
sockg_waterQualityConcDataAt No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type sockg:Field.
sockg_waterQualityConcTreatment No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type sockg:Treatment.
sockg_waterStableAggregatePercent No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_waterStableAggregatesPercentStd No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_waterStd_mm No slot description provided
1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double.
667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_weatherAtField No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type sockg:Field.
sockg_weatherBadValueFlag No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_weatherDaily_UID No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type string.
sockg_weatherRecordedAt No slot description provided
149473 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type sockg:Site.
sockg_weatherRecordedBy No slot description provided
39489 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherStation and object type sockg:WeatherObservation.
sockg_weatherStationId No slot description provided
12 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherStation and object type string.
sockg_website No slot description provided
30 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string.
68 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double.
sockg_wiltingPoint_percent_volume No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_wiltingPointStd_percent_volume No slot description provided
28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double.
sockg_windDirectionDegFromNorth No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_windErosionDataAt No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type sockg:Field.
sockg_windErosionTreatment No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type sockg:Treatment.
sockg_windSpeed_m_per_s No slot description provided
147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double.
sockg_worksAtDepartment No slot description provided
91 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type sockg:Department.
sockg_worksFor No slot description provided
35 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type sockg:Organization.
sockg_worksIn No slot description provided
165 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type sockg:Site.
sockg_xylan_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_xylanStd_g_per_kg No slot description provided
1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double.
sockg_yearsBetweenBurns No slot description provided
1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type xsd:double.
sockg_yieldNutrUptakeDataAt No slot description provided
429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type sockg:Field.
sockg_yieldNutrUptakeTreatment No slot description provided
409 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type sockg:Treatment.
sockg_zinc_g_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.
sockg_zincConcentration_mg_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_zincConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg No slot description provided
6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double.
sockg_zincStd_g_ha No slot description provided
15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double.