SOC KG: Digging Into Soil Carbon With USDA: A Knowledge Graph Informing Soil Carbon Modeling
Schema Diagram
SockgAmendment {
double sockg_irrigationType
string sockg_irrigationType
string sockg_amendmentPlacement
double sockg_amendmentPlacement
string sockg_mgtAmendments_UID
double sockg_totalAmendmentAmount_kg_per_ha
string sockg_startDate
double sockg_startDate
double sockg_irrigationAmount_cm
double sockg_totalNitrogenAmount_kgN_per_ha
double sockg_irrigationNitrogen_mg_per_L
string sockg_type
double sockg_type
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_totalPotassiumAmount_kgK_per_ha
double sockg_endDate
string sockg_endDate
double sockg_totalPhosphorusAmount_kgP_per_ha
SockgBioMassCarbohydrate {
double sockg_acidInsolubleLigninStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_ash_g_per_kg
double sockg_acidInsolubleLignin_g_per_kg
double sockg_glucan_g_per_kg
double sockg_ligninStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_xylanStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_mannanStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_acidDetFiber_g_per_kg
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_acidDetFiberStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_acidSolubleLignin_g_per_kg
double sockg_lignin_g_per_kg
double sockg_mannan_g_per_kg
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
string sockg_growthStage
double sockg_growthStage
double sockg_crudeProteinStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_nonFiberCarbs_g_per_kg
double sockg_neutralDetFiber_g_per_kg
double sockg_arabinan_g_per_kg
double sockg_neutralDetFiberStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_glucanStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_crudeProtein_g_per_kg
double sockg_ashStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_galactan_g_per_kg
double sockg_nonFiberCarbsStd_g_per_kg
string sockg_measBiomassCHO_UID
double sockg_galactanStd_g_per_kg
string sockg_crop
double sockg_crop
double sockg_acidSolubleLigninStd_g_per_kg
string sockg_plantFraction
double sockg_plantFraction
double sockg_xylan_g_per_kg
double sockg_arabinanStd_g_per_kg
SockgBioMassEnergy {
double sockg_mineralMatter_g_per_kg
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_grossCalorificValueStd_MJ_per_kg
double sockg_grossCalorificValue_MJ_per_kg
string sockg_measBiomassEnergy_UID
double sockg_volatileMatterStd_g_per_kg
string sockg_growthStage
double sockg_growthStage
double sockg_volatileMatter_g_per_kg
string sockg_crop
double sockg_crop
string sockg_plantFraction
double sockg_plantFraction
double sockg_mineralMatterStd_g_per_kg
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
SockgBioMassMineral {
double sockg_magnesiumConcentration_g_per_kg
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_chlorineConcentration_g_per_kg
double sockg_sulfurConcentration_g_per_kg
double sockg_magnesiumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg
string sockg_measBiomassMinAn_UID
double sockg_ironConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg
string sockg_crop
double sockg_crop
double sockg_nitrogenConcentration_g_per_kg
double sockg_chlorineConcentrationStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_manganeseConcentration_mg_per_kg
double sockg_copperConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg
double sockg_sodiumConcentration_g_per_kg
double sockg_boronConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg
double sockg_carbonConcentration_g_per_kg
string sockg_plantFraction
double sockg_plantFraction
string sockg_growthStage
double sockg_growthStage
double sockg_aluminumConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg
double sockg_potassiumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_phosphorusConcentrationStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_aluminumConcentration_mg_per_kg
double sockg_nitrogenConcentrationStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_calciumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_zincConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg
double sockg_sodiumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_carbonConcentrationStd_g_per_kg
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
double sockg_manganeseConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg
double sockg_potassiumConcentration_g_per_kg
double sockg_sulfurConcentrationStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_phosphorusConcentration_g_per_kg
double sockg_zincConcentration_mg_per_kg
double sockg_calciumConcentration_g_per_kg
double sockg_ironConcentration_mg_per_kg
double sockg_boronConcentration_mg_per_kg
double sockg_copperConcentration_mg_per_kg
SockgBook {
string sockg_bookName
SockgCity {
string sockg_cityName
SockgCountry {
string sockg_countryName
SockgCounty {
string sockg_countyName
SockgCropGrowthStage {
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
string sockg_treatmentId
string sockg_growthStage
double sockg_growthStage
string sockg_mgtGrowthStages_UID
SockgDepartment {
string sockg_departmentName
SockgExperiment {
string sockg_startDate
double sockg_startDate
string sockg_experimentName
double sockg_endDate
string sockg_endDate
string sockg_projectName
SockgExperimentalUnit {
double sockg_changeInManagement
string sockg_expUnit_UID
string sockg_expUnitId
double sockg_endDate
string sockg_endDate
string sockg_startDate
double sockg_startDate
SockgField {
double sockg_longitude_decimal_deg
double sockg_elevation_m
string sockg_fieldId
double sockg_latitude_decimal_deg
SockgGasNutrientLoss {
double sockg_nitrousOxideStd_g_ha
string sockg_expUnit_UID
string sockg_fieldId
string sockg_expUnitId
string sockg_measGasNutrientLoss_UID
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
double sockg_ammoniaNitrogenStd_kg_ha
double sockg_nitrousOxides_g_ha
double sockg_modelIfSimulated
string sockg_modelIfSimulated
double sockg_samplingStartStopInterval
string sockg_samplingStartStopInterval
double sockg_nitrogenGasStd_g_ha
double sockg_nitrousOxide_g_ha
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_ammoniaNitrogen_kg_ha
double sockg_nitrogenGas_g_ha
double sockg_time
string sockg_time
string sockg_growthStage
double sockg_growthStage
string sockg_crop
double sockg_crop
double sockg_nitrousOxidesStd_g_ha
SockgGasSample {
double sockg_methane_gC_per_ha_per_d
double sockg_airTemperature_degC
double sockg_time
string sockg_time
double sockg_methaneStd_gC_per_ha_per_d
double sockg_carbonDioxide_gC_per_ha_per_d
integer sockg_soilMoistureDepth_cm
double sockg_soilTemperatureStd_degC
double sockg_soilTemperature_degC
string sockg_treatmentId
integer sockg_isNitrousOxideInterpolated
double sockg_soilMoisture_percent_volume
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
integer sockg_isCarbonDioxideInterpolated
string sockg_chamberPlacement
double sockg_chamberPlacement
double sockg_carbonDioxideStd_gC_per_ha_per_d
double sockg_nitrousOxideStd_gN_per_ha_per_d
double sockg_airTemperatureStd_degC
string sockg_measGHGFlux_UID
double sockg_nitrousOxide_gN_per_ha_per_d
string sockg_crop
double sockg_crop
integer sockg_isMethaneInterpolated
SockgGrazing {
double sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogen_kgN_per_ha_per_yr
double sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbon_kgC_per_ha_per_yr
double sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha_per_yr
double sockg_belowGroundBiomassNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha
double sockg_aboveGroundBiomassNitrogen_kgN_per_ha
double sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha_per_yr
string sockg_speciesMix
double sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogen_kgN_per_ha_per_yr
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
double sockg_belowGroundBiomassCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha
double sockg_belowGroundBiomassCarbon_kgC_per_ha
double sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha_per_yr
double sockg_groundCoverPercentageStd
double sockg_groundCoverPercentage
string sockg_growthStage
double sockg_growthStage
double sockg_ligninPercentageStd
string sockg_broadleafOrGrass
double sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbon_kgC_per_ha_per_yr
double sockg_ligninPercentage
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_leafAreaIndexDry_kg_per_ha
double sockg_aboveGroundBiomassNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha
double sockg_aboveGroundBiomassCarbon_kgC_per_ha
double sockg_leafAreaIndexDryStd_kg_per_ha
double sockg_aboveGroundBiomassDryStd_kg_per_ha
double sockg_aboveGroundBiomassCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha
double sockg_aboveGroundBiomassDry_kg_per_ha
double sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha_per_yr
double sockg_biomassNitrogenPercentage
string sockg_measGrazingPlants_UID
double sockg_belowGroundBiomassNitrogen_kgN_per_ha
SockgGrazingManagementEvent {
string sockg_animalSpecies
double sockg_burnIntensity
double sockg_yearsBetweenBurns
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_otherEvents
string sockg_otherEvents
string sockg_startDate
double sockg_startDate
string sockg_mgtGrazing_UID
string sockg_animalClass
double sockg_animalClass
double sockg_endDate
string sockg_endDate
double sockg_stockingRate_number_animals_per_ha
SockgHarvest {
double sockg_aboveGroundBiomassStd_kg_per_ha
double sockg_unitGrainWeightStd_mg
double sockg_grainMoisturePercentStd
double sockg_grainCarbon_kgC_per_ha
double sockg_rootNitrogenContentStd_kgN_per_ha
double sockg_unitGrainWeight_mg
double sockg_aboveGroundBiomass_kg_per_ha
double sockg_grainNitrogen_kgN_per_ha
double sockg_rootMoisturePercentStd
double sockg_grainYield_kg_per_ha
double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMoisturePercent
double sockg_cornEarHeight_cm
double sockg_driedHarvestedResidue_kg_per_ha
double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMoisturePercentStd
double sockg_rootDryMatterStd_kg_per_ha
string sockg_harvestedFrac
double sockg_harvestedFrac
string sockg_growthStage
double sockg_growthStage
double sockg_cornEarHeightStd_cm
double sockg_rootMoisturePercent
double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueNitrogenContent_kgN_per_ha
double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueCarbonContentStd_kgC_per_ha
double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueCarbonContent_kgC_per_ha
double sockg_grainNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha
double sockg_rootNitrogenContent_kgN_per_ha
double sockg_driedHarvestedResidueStd_kg_per_ha
double sockg_rootCarbonContentStd_kgC_per_ha
double sockg_rootCarbonContent_kgC_per_ha
double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMassStd_kg_per_ha
string sockg_measResidueMgnt_UID
double sockg_grainYieldStd_kg_per_ha
double sockg_rootDryMatter_kg_per_ha
double sockg_grainMoisturePercent
string sockg_treatmentId
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
double sockg_grainCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha
double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMass_kg_per_ha
double sockg_nonHarvestedResidueNitrogenContentStd_kgN_per_ha
SockgHarvestFraction {
double sockg_dryBiomass_kg_per_ha
double sockg_dryBiomassStd_kg_per_ha
double sockg_nitrogen_kgN_per_ha
string sockg_measHarvestFraction_UID
double sockg_carbonStd_kgC_per_ha
double sockg_carbon_kgC_per_ha
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_moisturePercent
string sockg_plantFraction
double sockg_plantFraction
double sockg_grainWeight_mg_per_kernel
double sockg_moisturePercentStd
double sockg_nitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha
double sockg_grainWeightStd_mg_per_lernel
string sockg_growthStage
double sockg_growthStage
SockgNutrientEfficiency {
string sockg_crop
double sockg_crop
string sockg_expUnit_UID
string sockg_growthStage
double sockg_growthStage
double sockg_nitrogenUseEfficiency_kg_ha
string sockg_fieldId
string sockg_plantFraction
double sockg_plantFraction
string sockg_expUnitId
double sockg_nitrogenUseEfficiencyPct
double sockg_nutrientEfficiencyRatio_kg_kg
double sockg_agronomicEfficiency_kg_kg
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
string sockg_treatmentId
string sockg_measNutrEff_UID
double sockg_fracNitrogen_kg_ha
SockgOrganization {
string sockg_organizationName
SockgPerson {
string sockg_email
double sockg_email
double sockg_note
string sockg_note
string sockg_persons_UID
double sockg_phoneNumber
string sockg_phoneNumber
string sockg_website
double sockg_website
string sockg_middleName
double sockg_middleName
string sockg_suffix
double sockg_suffix
string sockg_roleInStudy
double sockg_roleInStudy
string sockg_firstName
string sockg_lastName
string sockg_isPrimaryContact
double sockg_isPrimaryContact
string sockg_profession
double sockg_profession
SockgPesticide {
double sockg_pesticidePlacement
string sockg_pesticidePlacement
string sockg_pesticideActiveIngredientType
double sockg_pesticideActiveIngredientType
double sockg_pesticideTarget
string sockg_pesticideTarget
string sockg_pesticide_UID
double sockg_totalPesticideAmount_kg_per_ha
SockgPlantingEvent {
double sockg_plantingMethod
string sockg_plantingMethod
double sockg_rowWidth_cm
string sockg_cultivar
double sockg_cultivar
double sockg_depth_cm
string sockg_mgtPlanting_UID
SockgProject {
string sockg_projectName
SockgPublication {
string sockg_title
double sockg_title
string sockg_identifier
string sockg_correspondingAuthor
double sockg_correspondingAuthor
string sockg_author
string sockg_citation
SockgResidueManagementEvent {
string sockg_stageAtHarvest
double sockg_stageAtHarvest
double sockg_perennialStandAge_years
integer sockg_rowsHarvestedPercent
string sockg_equipmentType
double sockg_equipmentType
string sockg_treatmentId
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
string sockg_mgtResidue_UID
SockgRotation {
string sockg_rotationDescriptor
SockgSite {
double sockg_siteIdDescriptor
double sockg_majorLandResourceArea
string sockg_siteSpatialDescription
double sockg_siteNativeVegetation
string sockg_siteId
double sockg_postalCodeNumber
double sockg_siteHistory
SockgSoilBiologicalSample {
double sockg_particulateOrganicMatterStd_gC_per_kg
double sockg_carbonMicrobialBiomassStd_mgC_per_kg
double sockg_organicPlantMaterial_gC_per_kg
double sockg_alkPhosphatase_mg_per_kg_per_hr
double sockg_acidPhosphatase_mg_per_kg_per_hr
double sockg_glomalinStd_g_per_kg
double sockg_glucosidaseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr
double sockg_glucosidase_mg_per_kg_per_hr
double sockg_carbonMicrobialBiomass_mgC_per_kg
double sockg_lowerDepth_cm
integer sockg_lowerDepth_cm
double sockg_glucosaminidase_mg_per_kg_per_hr
double sockg_glomalin_g_per_kg
double sockg_upperDepth_cm
integer sockg_upperDepth_cm
double sockg_glucosaminidaseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
double sockg_particulateOrganicMatter_gC_per_kg
double sockg_organicPlantMaterialStd_gC_per_kg
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_nitrogenMicrobialBiomass_mgN_per_kg
double sockg_nitrogenMicrobialBiomassStd_mgN_per_kg
double sockg_alkPhosphataseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr
string sockg_measSoilBiol_UID
double sockg_acidPhosphataseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr
SockgSoilChemicalSample {
double sockg_extractableZinc_mgZn_per_kg
double sockg_nitrateStd_mgN_per_kg
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
double sockg_lowerDepth_cm
integer sockg_lowerDepth_cm
double sockg_inorganicCarbon_gC_per_kg
string sockg_measSoilChem_UID
double sockg_extractableCalciumStd_mgCa_per_kg
double sockg_extractableManganese_mgMN_per_kg
double sockg_nitrites_mgN_per_kg
double sockg_organicCarbonStd_gC_per_kg
double sockg_extractableIronStd_mgFe_per_kg
double sockg_mineralCarbon_gC_per_kg
double sockg_ammoniumStd_mgN_per_kg
double sockg_extractableCalcium_mgCa_per_kg
double sockg_potassium_mgK_per_kg
double sockg_electricalConductivity_siemens_per_m
double sockg_ph
double sockg_extractableIron_mgFe_per_kg
double sockg_solubleOrganicCarbonStd_mgC_per_kg
double sockg_electricalConductivityStd_siemens_per_m
double sockg_inorganicCarbonStd_gC_per_kg
double sockg_extractableZincStd_mgZn_per_kg
double sockg_organicCarbon_gC_per_kg
double sockg_nitrate_mgN_per_kg
double sockg_potassiumStd_mgK_per_kg
double sockg_mineralizableNitrogen_gN_per_kg
double sockg_totalSoilNitrogenStd_gN_per_kg
double sockg_mineralizableNitrogenStd_gN_per_kg
double sockg_solubleOrganicCarbon_mgC_per_kg
double sockg_extractableCopperStd_mgCu_per_kg
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_upperDepth_cm
integer sockg_upperDepth_cm
double sockg_phosphorus_mgP_per_kg
double sockg_extractableCopper_mgCu_per_kg
double sockg_cationExchangeCapacityStd_cmol_per_kg
double sockg_extractableManganeseStd_mgMN_per_kg
double sockg_totalSoilNitrogen_gN_per_kg
double sockg_nitritesStd_mgN_per_kg
double sockg_extractableMagnesium_mgMg_per_kg
double sockg_cationExchangeCapacity_cmol_per_kg
double sockg_mineralCarbonStd_gC_per_kg
double sockg_totalSoilCarbonStd_gC_per_kg
double sockg_extractableMagnesiumStd_mgMg_per_kg
double sockg_phosphorusStd_mgP_per_kg
double sockg_totalSoilCarbon_gC_per_kg
double sockg_ammonium_mgN_per_kg
SockgSoilCover {
double sockg_soilWithResidueCoverPercent
string sockg_measSoilCover_UID
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
SockgSoilPhysicalSample {
double sockg_wiltingPoint_percent_volume
double sockg_aggregationPercent
double sockg_upperDepth_cm
integer sockg_upperDepth_cm
double sockg_wiltingPointStd_percent_volume
double sockg_lowerDepth_cm
integer sockg_lowerDepth_cm
double sockg_clayPercent
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
double sockg_saturatedHydraulicConductivityStd_cm_per_sec
double sockg_macroAggregatesPercentStd
double sockg_sandPercent
double sockg_siltPercent
double sockg_waterStableAggregatesPercentStd
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_waterStableAggregatePercent
double sockg_moistureReleaseCurve
double sockg_saturatedHydraulicConductivity_cm_per_sec
double sockg_nearInfraredCarbonStd_gC_per_kg
string sockg_measSoilPhys_UID
double sockg_bulkDensity_g_per_cm_cubed
double sockg_bulkDensityStd_g_per_cm_cubed
double sockg_nearInfraredCarbon_gC_per_kg
SockgState {
string sockg_stateProvince
SockgTillage {
string sockg_mgtTillage_UID
SockgTreatment {
string sockg_fertilizerAmendmentClass
double sockg_fertilizerAmendmentClass
string sockg_organicManagement
string sockg_treatmentDescriptor
double sockg_tileDrainage
string sockg_tileDrainage
string sockg_tillageDescriptor
double sockg_tillageDescriptor
string sockg_projectScenario
double sockg_grazingRate
string sockg_grazingRate
double sockg_coverCrop
string sockg_coverCrop
string sockg_residueRemoval
string sockg_irrigation
double sockg_nitrogenTreatmentDescriptor
string sockg_nitrogenTreatmentDescriptor
string sockg_treatmentId
SockgVersion {
string sockg_versionDate
SockgWaterQualityArea {
double sockg_soilOrganicCarbon_kgC_ha
double sockg_dissolvedManganese_gMn_ha
double sockg_erosionSedimentStd_t_ha
double sockg_dissolvedBoron_gB_ha
double sockg_ph
double sockg_totalChloride_kg_ha
double sockg_dissolvedMagnesium_kgMg_ha
double sockg_dissolvedPotassiumStd_kgK_ha
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_dissolvedPotassium_kgK_ha
double sockg_dissolvedSodium_kgNa_ha
double sockg_soilOrganicCarbonStd_kgC_ha
double sockg_dissolvedCalciumStd_kgCa_ha
double sockg_totalDissolvedNitrogen_kgN_ha
double sockg_dissovledSiliconStd_kgSi_ha
string sockg_measWaterQualityArea_UID
double sockg_nitrateNitrogen_kg_ha
double sockg_nitrateStd_kgN_ha
double sockg_modelIfSimulated
string sockg_modelIfSimulated
double sockg_totalDissolvedNitrogenStd_kgN_ha
double sockg_erosionSediment_t_ha
double sockg_dissolvedSulfur_kgS_ha
string sockg_expUnitId
double sockg_totalDissolvedPhosphorus_kgP_ha
double sockg_waterStd_mm
string sockg_crop
double sockg_crop
double sockg_erosionTotalSolidsStd_t_ha
double sockg_totalPhosphorusStd_kgP_ha
string sockg_fieldId
double sockg_dissolvedCopperStd_gCu_ha
double sockg_dissolvedCalcium_kgCa_ha
string sockg_surfaceOrLeaching
double sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolids_t_ha
double sockg_samplingStartStopInterval
string sockg_samplingStartStopInterval
double sockg_dissolvedZinc_gZn_ha
double sockg_electricalConductivity_ms_cm
double sockg_erosionMethod
double sockg_dissolvedManganeseStd_gMn_ha
double sockg_dissolvedIronStd_gFe_ha
double sockg_dissolvedCopper_gCu_ha
double sockg_dissolvedIron_gFe_ha
double sockg_dissolvedSulfurStd_kgS_ha
double sockg_dissolvedSilicon_kgSi_ha
double sockg_phStd
double sockg_totalDissolvedPhosphorusStd_jgP_ha
double sockg_dissovledSodiumStd_kgNa_ha
double sockg_dissolvedMagnesiumStd_kgMg_ha
double sockg_totalNitrogenStd_kgN_ha
double sockg_time
string sockg_time
double sockg_dissolvedMolybdenum_gMo_ha
string sockg_growthStage
double sockg_growthStage
double sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolidsStd_t_ha
double sockg_lossesOrDeposition
string sockg_lossesOrDeposition
double sockg_dissolvedZincStd_gZn_ha
double sockg_electricalConductivityStd_ms_cm
double sockg_dissolvedBoronStd_gB_ha
double sockg_inorganicNitrogenStd_kgN_ha
double sockg_dissolvedMolybdenumStd_gMo_ha
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
double sockg_erosionTotalSolids_t_ha
SockgWaterQualityConc {
double sockg_samplingStartStopInterval
string sockg_samplingStartStopInterval
double sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolidsStd_kg
double sockg_erosionSedimentStd_kg
string sockg_measWaterQualityConc_UID
double sockg_erosionSediment_kg
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_ph
double sockg_waterStd_mm
string sockg_surfaceOrLeaching
double sockg_phStd
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
string sockg_expUnitId
double sockg_electricalConductivityStd_ms_cm
double sockg_electricalConductivity_ms_cm
string sockg_growthStage
double sockg_growthStage
double sockg_water_mm
integer sockg_samplingDepth_cm
double sockg_erosionTotalSolids_kg
double sockg_erosionTotalSolidsStd_kg
string sockg_expUnit_UID
double sockg_erosionMethod
string sockg_fieldId
double sockg_time
string sockg_time
double sockg_modelIfSimulated
string sockg_modelIfSimulated
double sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolids_kg
string sockg_crop
double sockg_crop
SockgWeatherObservation {
double sockg_windSpeed_m_per_s
double sockg_precipitation_mm_per_d
double sockg_tempMax_degC
double sockg_weatherBadValueFlag
double sockg_windDirectionDegFromNorth
double sockg_atmosphericNitrogenDeposition_kg_per_ha_per_d
double sockg_relativeHumidityPercent
double sockg_soilTemp5cm_degC
double sockg_snow_mm_per_d
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
double sockg_solarRadiationBareSoil_MJ_per_m_squared_per_d
double sockg_closedPanEvaporation_mm_per_d
double sockg_tempMin_degC
double sockg_openPanEvaporation_mm_per_d
double sockg_solarRadiationVegetatedGround_MJ_per_m_squared_per_d
string sockg_weatherDaily_UID
double sockg_soilTemp10cm_degC
SockgWeatherStation {
double sockg_elevation_m
string sockg_weatherStationId
SockgWindErosionArea {
double sockg_silicon_kg_ha
double sockg_electricalConductivity_ms_cm
double sockg_potassiumStd_kg_ha
double sockg_inorganicNitrogenStd_kgN_ha
double sockg_phosphorusStd_kg_ha
double sockg_totalNitrogen_kg_ha
double sockg_molybdenum_g_ha
string sockg_fieldId
double sockg_boronStd_g_ha
double sockg_samplingStartStopInterval
string sockg_samplingStartStopInterval
double sockg_iron_g_ha
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_manganese_g_ha
double sockg_sulfur_kg_ha
double sockg_aluminumStd_kg_ha
double sockg_erosionMethod
string sockg_expUnit_UID
double sockg_totalNitrogenStd_kgN_ha
double sockg_lossesOrDeposition
string sockg_lossesOrDeposition
string sockg_growthStage
double sockg_growthStage
double sockg_inorganicNitrogen_kgN_ha
double sockg_zinc_g_ha
string sockg_measWindErosionArea_UID
double sockg_calcium_kg_ha
double sockg_molybdenumStd_g_ha
double sockg_sulfurStd_kg_ha
string sockg_crop
double sockg_crop
double sockg_copper_g_ha
double sockg_phosphorus_kg_ha
double sockg_magnesium_kg_ha
double sockg_ironStd_g_ha
double sockg_soilOrganicCarbonStd_kgC_ha
double sockg_siliconStd_kg_ha
double sockg_calciumStd_kg_ha
double sockg_sodiumStd_kg_ha
double sockg_nitrateStd_kgN_ha
double sockg_nitrate_kg_ha
double sockg_soilStd_t_ha
double sockg_phStd
double sockg_modelIfSimulated
string sockg_modelIfSimulated
string sockg_expUnitId
double sockg_zincStd_g_ha
double sockg_potassium_kg_ha
double sockg_time
string sockg_time
double sockg_ph
double sockg_sodium_kg_ha
double sockg_electricalConductivityStd_ms_cm
double sockg_copperStd_g_ha
double sockg_magnesiumStd_kg_ha
double sockg_manganeseStd_g_ha
double sockg_aluminum_kg_ha
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
double sockg_boron_g_ha
double sockg_soil_t_ha
SockgYieldNutrientUptake {
double sockg_fracBoron_gB_ha
double sockg_fracProductivityStd_kg_ha
double sockg_fracCarbonStd_kgC_ha
double sockg_fracNitrogenStd_kgN_ha
double sockg_fracZincStd_gZn_ha
string sockg_crop
double sockg_crop
string sockg_measYieldNutUptake_UID
double sockg_fracSulfur_kgS_ha
double sockg_modelIfSimulated
string sockg_modelIfSimulated
double sockg_fracMolybdenumStd_gMo_ha
double sockg_fracPotassiumStd_kgK_ha
string sockg_plantFraction
double sockg_plantFraction
double sockg_grainWeightKernelYnu_mg
double sockg_fracMagnesium_kgMg_ha
double sockg_fracCarbon_kgC_ha
double sockg_fracManganeseStd_gMn_ha
string sockg_treatmentId
double sockg_fracCopperStd_gCu_ha
double sockg_fracMagnesiumStd_kgMg_ha
double sockg_fracIron_gFe_ha
double sockg_fracCalcium_kgCa_ha
double sockg_fracPhosphorus_kgP_ha
string sockg_fieldId
double sockg_fracIronStd_gFe_ha
double sockg_fracMoisturePercentStd
string sockg_expUnit_UID
double sockg_fracZinc_gZn_ha
double sockg_fracSulfurStd_kgS_ha
double sockg_fracPotassium_kgK_ha
double sockg_fracMoisturePercent
double sockg_fracCopper_gCu_ha
double sockg_fracMolybdenum_gMo_ha
double sockg_fracCalciumStd_kgCa_ha
string sockg_date
double sockg_date
double sockg_fracBoronStd_gB_ha
string sockg_expUnitId
double sockg_grainWeightKernelYnuStd_mg
double sockg_fracCropProductivity_kg_ha
double sockg_fracManganese_gMn_ha
string sockg_growthStage
double sockg_growthStage
double sockg_fracPhosphorusStd_kgP_ha
double sockg_fracNitrogen_kgN_ha
SockgAmendment ||--|o SockgPesticide : "sockg_hasPesticide"
SockgCountry ||--|o SockgState : "sockg_hasState"
SockgCounty ||--|o SockgCity : "sockg_hasCity"
SockgDepartment ||--|o SockgOrganization : "sockg_departmentOf"
SockgExperiment ||--|o SockgTreatment : "sockg_hasTreatment"
SockgExperiment ||--|o SockgSite : "sockg_happenedInSite"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgSoilBiologicalSample : "sockg_hasBioSample"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgSoilChemicalSample : "sockg_hasChemSample"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgSoilPhysicalSample : "sockg_hasPhySample"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgHarvestFraction : "sockg_hasHarvestFractionData"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgBioMassMineral : "sockg_hasBioMassMineralData"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgGasSample : "sockg_hasGasSample"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgGrazing : "sockg_hasGrazingData"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgTillage : "sockg_hasTillage"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgAmendment : "sockg_hasAmendment"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgCropGrowthStage : "sockg_tracksGrowth"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgGrazingManagementEvent : "sockg_hasGrazingManagementEvent"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgHarvest : "sockg_isHarvested"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_locatedInField"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgBioMassEnergy : "sockg_hasBioMassEnergyData"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgBioMassCarbohydrate : "sockg_hasBioMassCarbohydrateData"
SockgExperimentalUnit ||--|o SockgResidueManagementEvent : "sockg_hasResidueManagementEvent"
SockgGasNutrientLoss ||--|o SockgExperimentalUnit : "sockg_hasGasNutrientData"
SockgOrganization ||--|o SockgExperiment : "sockg_fundsExperiment"
SockgPerson ||--|o SockgSite : "sockg_worksIn"
SockgPerson ||--|o SockgDepartment : "sockg_worksAtDepartment"
SockgPerson ||--|o SockgOrganization : "sockg_worksFor"
SockgPlantingEvent ||--|o SockgExperimentalUnit : "sockg_plantingAt"
SockgPublication ||--|o SockgSite : "sockg_studiesSite"
SockgSite ||--|o SockgCounty : "sockg_locatedInCounty"
SockgSite ||--|o SockgState : "sockg_locatedInState"
SockgSite ||--|o SockgCity : "sockg_locatedInCity"
SockgSite ||--|o SockgCountry : "sockg_locatedInCountry"
SockgSite ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_hasField"
SockgState ||--|o SockgCounty : "sockg_hasCounty"
SockgTreatment ||--|o SockgRotation : "sockg_hasRotation"
SockgWaterQualityArea ||--|o SockgExperimentalUnit : "sockg_hasWaterQualityAreaData"
SockgWaterQualityArea ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_waterQualityAreaDataAt"
SockgWaterQualityArea ||--|o SockgTreatment : "sockg_waterQualityAreaTreatment"
SockgWaterQualityConc ||--|o SockgTreatment : "sockg_waterQualityConcTreatment"
SockgWaterQualityConc ||--|o SockgExperimentalUnit : "sockg_hasWaterQualityConcData"
SockgWaterQualityConc ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_waterQualityConcDataAt"
SockgWeatherObservation ||--|o SockgSite : "sockg_weatherRecordedAt"
SockgWeatherObservation ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_weatherAtField"
SockgWeatherStation ||--|o SockgWeatherObservation : "sockg_weatherRecordedBy"
SockgWeatherStation ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_recordsWeatherForField"
SockgWeatherStation ||--|o SockgSite : "sockg_recordsWeatherForSite"
SockgWindErosionArea ||--|o SockgExperimentalUnit : "sockg_hasWindErosionData"
SockgWindErosionArea ||--|o SockgTreatment : "sockg_windErosionTreatment"
SockgWindErosionArea ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_windErosionDataAt"
SockgYieldNutrientUptake ||--|o SockgExperimentalUnit : "sockg_hasYieldNutrUptakeData"
SockgYieldNutrientUptake ||--|o SockgField : "sockg_yieldNutrUptakeDataAt"
SockgYieldNutrientUptake ||--|o SockgTreatment : "sockg_yieldNutrUptakeTreatment"
IRI prefixes
- linkml:
- sockg:
- xsd:
Class | Description |
SockgAmendment | No type description provided |
SockgBioMassCarbohydrate | No type description provided |
SockgBioMassEnergy | No type description provided |
SockgBioMassMineral | No type description provided |
SockgBook | No type description provided |
SockgCity | No type description provided |
SockgCountry | No type description provided |
SockgCounty | No type description provided |
SockgCropGrowthStage | No type description provided |
SockgDepartment | No type description provided |
SockgExperiment | No type description provided |
SockgExperimentalUnit | No type description provided |
SockgField | No type description provided |
SockgGasNutrientLoss | No type description provided |
SockgGasSample | No type description provided |
SockgGrazing | No type description provided |
SockgGrazingManagementEvent | No type description provided |
SockgHarvest | No type description provided |
SockgHarvestFraction | No type description provided |
SockgNutrientEfficiency | No type description provided |
SockgOrganization | No type description provided |
SockgPerson | No type description provided |
SockgPesticide | No type description provided |
SockgPlantingEvent | No type description provided |
SockgProject | No type description provided |
SockgPublication | No type description provided |
SockgResidueManagementEvent | No type description provided |
SockgRotation | No type description provided |
SockgSite | No type description provided |
SockgSoilBiologicalSample | No type description provided |
SockgSoilChemicalSample | No type description provided |
SockgSoilCover | No type description provided |
SockgSoilPhysicalSample | No type description provided |
SockgState | No type description provided |
SockgTillage | No type description provided |
SockgTreatment | No type description provided |
SockgVersion | No type description provided |
SockgWaterQualityArea | No type description provided |
SockgWaterQualityConc | No type description provided |
SockgWeatherObservation | No type description provided |
SockgWeatherStation | No type description provided |
SockgWindErosionArea | No type description provided |
SockgYieldNutrientUptake | No type description provided |
Slot | Description |
sockg_aboveGroundBiomass_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_aboveGroundBiomassCarbon_kgC_per_ha | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_aboveGroundBiomassCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_aboveGroundBiomassDry_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_aboveGroundBiomassDryStd_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_aboveGroundBiomassNitrogen_kgN_per_ha | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_aboveGroundBiomassNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_aboveGroundBiomassStd_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbon_kgC_per_ha_per_yr | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha_per_yr | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogen_kgN_per_ha_per_yr | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_abovegroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha_per_yr | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_acidDetFiber_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_acidDetFiberStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_acidInsolubleLignin_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_acidInsolubleLigninStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_acidPhosphatase_mg_per_kg_per_hr | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_acidPhosphataseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_acidSolubleLignin_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_acidSolubleLigninStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_aggregationPercent | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_agronomicEfficiency_kg_kg | No slot description provided 2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_airTemperature_degC | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_airTemperatureStd_degC | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_alkPhosphatase_mg_per_kg_per_hr | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_alkPhosphataseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_aluminum_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_aluminumConcentration_mg_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_aluminumConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_aluminumStd_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_amendmentPlacement | No slot description provided 22264 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type string. 15532 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_ammoniaNitrogen_kg_ha | No slot description provided 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_ammoniaNitrogenStd_kg_ha | No slot description provided 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_ammonium_mgN_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_ammoniumStd_mgN_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_animalClass | No slot description provided 1833 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type string. 118 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_animalSpecies | No slot description provided 1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type string. |
sockg_arabinan_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_arabinanStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_ash_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_ashStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_atmosphericNitrogenDeposition_kg_per_ha_per_d | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_author | No slot description provided 114 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type string. |
sockg_belowGroundBiomassCarbon_kgC_per_ha | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_belowGroundBiomassCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_belowGroundBiomassNitrogen_kgN_per_ha | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_belowGroundBiomassNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbon_kgC_per_ha_per_yr | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha_per_yr | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogen_kgN_per_ha_per_yr | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_belowgroundNetPrimaryProductivityNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha_per_yr | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_biomassNitrogenPercentage | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_bookName | No slot description provided 2 occurrences with subject type sockg:Book and object type string. |
sockg_boron_g_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_boronConcentration_mg_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_boronConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_boronStd_g_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_broadleafOrGrass | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type string. |
sockg_bulkDensity_g_per_cm_cubed | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_bulkDensityStd_g_per_cm_cubed | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_burnIntensity | No slot description provided 1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_calcium_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_calciumConcentration_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_calciumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_calciumStd_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_carbon_kgC_per_ha | No slot description provided 9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_carbonConcentration_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_carbonConcentrationStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_carbonDioxide_gC_per_ha_per_d | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_carbonDioxideStd_gC_per_ha_per_d | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_carbonMicrobialBiomass_mgC_per_kg | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_carbonMicrobialBiomassStd_mgC_per_kg | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_carbonStd_kgC_per_ha | No slot description provided 9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_cationExchangeCapacity_cmol_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_cationExchangeCapacityStd_cmol_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_chamberPlacement | No slot description provided 103543 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type string. 3811 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_changeInManagement | No slot description provided 3809 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_chlorineConcentration_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_chlorineConcentrationStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_citation | No slot description provided 114 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type string. |
sockg_cityName | No slot description provided 33 occurrences with subject type sockg:City and object type string. |
sockg_clayPercent | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_closedPanEvaporation_mm_per_d | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_copper_g_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_copperConcentration_mg_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_copperConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_copperStd_g_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_cornEarHeight_cm | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_cornEarHeightStd_cm | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_correspondingAuthor | No slot description provided 105 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type string. 9 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_countryName | No slot description provided 3 occurrences with subject type sockg:Country and object type string. |
sockg_countyName | No slot description provided 33 occurrences with subject type sockg:County and object type string. |
sockg_coverCrop | No slot description provided 575 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type xsd:double. 194 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string. |
sockg_crop | No slot description provided 2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string. 105046 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type string. 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type string. 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type string. 799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type string. 2308 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double. 553 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string. 698 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double. 926 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. 50 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_crudeProtein_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_crudeProteinStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_cultivar | No slot description provided 20817 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type string. 2633 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_date | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type string. 147304 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type string. 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type string. 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type string. 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type string. 4896 occurrences with subject type sockg:CropGrowthStage and object type string. 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type string. 18304 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type string. 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type string. 3308 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type string. 2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string. 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type string. 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string. 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string. 1034 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilCover and object type string. 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string. 52 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. 799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type string. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type string. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string. 1 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_departmentName | No slot description provided 33 occurrences with subject type sockg:Department and object type string. |
sockg_departmentOf | No slot description provided 11 occurrences with subject type sockg:Department and object type sockg:Organization. |
sockg_depth_cm | No slot description provided 23450 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedBoron_gB_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedBoronStd_gB_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedCalcium_kgCa_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedCalciumStd_kgCa_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedCopper_gCu_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedCopperStd_gCu_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedIron_gFe_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedIronStd_gFe_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedMagnesium_kgMg_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedMagnesiumStd_kgMg_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedManganese_gMn_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedManganeseStd_gMn_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedMolybdenum_gMo_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedMolybdenumStd_gMo_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedPotassium_kgK_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedPotassiumStd_kgK_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedSilicon_kgSi_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedSodium_kgNa_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedSulfur_kgS_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedSulfurStd_kgS_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedZinc_gZn_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissolvedZincStd_gZn_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissovledSiliconStd_kgSi_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dissovledSodiumStd_kgNa_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_driedHarvestedResidue_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_driedHarvestedResidueStd_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dryBiomass_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_dryBiomassStd_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_electricalConductivity_ms_cm | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_electricalConductivity_siemens_per_m | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_electricalConductivityStd_ms_cm | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_electricalConductivityStd_siemens_per_m | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_elevation_m | No slot description provided 58 occurrences with subject type sockg:Field and object type xsd:double. 12 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherStation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_email | No slot description provided 86 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string. 12 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_endDate | No slot description provided 37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double. 2026 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type xsd:double. 1783 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type string. 1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type string. 55 occurrences with subject type sockg:Experiment and object type string. |
sockg_equipmentType | No slot description provided 3044 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type string. 264 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_erosionMethod | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_erosionSediment_kg | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_erosionSediment_t_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_erosionSedimentStd_kg | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_erosionSedimentStd_t_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_erosionTotalSolids_kg | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_erosionTotalSolids_t_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_erosionTotalSolidsStd_kg | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_erosionTotalSolidsStd_t_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolids_kg | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolids_t_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolidsStd_kg | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_erosionTotalSuspendedSolidsStd_t_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_experimentName | No slot description provided 55 occurrences with subject type sockg:Experiment and object type string. |
sockg_expUnit_UID | No slot description provided 3809 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type string. 2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string. 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string. 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string. 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string. |
sockg_expUnitId | No slot description provided 3809 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type string. 2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string. 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string. 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type string. 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string. |
sockg_extractableCalcium_mgCa_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_extractableCalciumStd_mgCa_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_extractableCopper_mgCu_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_extractableCopperStd_mgCu_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_extractableIron_mgFe_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_extractableIronStd_mgFe_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_extractableMagnesium_mgMg_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_extractableMagnesiumStd_mgMg_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_extractableManganese_mgMN_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_extractableManganeseStd_mgMN_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_extractableZinc_mgZn_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_extractableZincStd_mgZn_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fertilizerAmendmentClass | No slot description provided 653 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string. 116 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fieldId | No slot description provided 2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string. 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type string. 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string. 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string. 58 occurrences with subject type sockg:Field and object type string. |
sockg_firstName | No slot description provided 98 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string. |
sockg_fracBoron_gB_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracBoronStd_gB_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracCalcium_kgCa_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracCalciumStd_kgCa_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracCarbon_kgC_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracCarbonStd_kgC_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracCopper_gCu_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracCopperStd_gCu_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracCropProductivity_kg_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracIron_gFe_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracIronStd_gFe_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracMagnesium_kgMg_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracMagnesiumStd_kgMg_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracManganese_gMn_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracManganeseStd_gMn_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracMoisturePercent | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracMoisturePercentStd | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracMolybdenum_gMo_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracMolybdenumStd_gMo_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracNitrogen_kg_ha | No slot description provided 2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracNitrogen_kgN_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracNitrogenStd_kgN_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracPhosphorus_kgP_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracPhosphorusStd_kgP_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracPotassium_kgK_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracPotassiumStd_kgK_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracProductivityStd_kg_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracSulfur_kgS_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracSulfurStd_kgS_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracZinc_gZn_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fracZincStd_gZn_ha | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_fundsExperiment | No slot description provided 3 occurrences with subject type sockg:Organization and object type sockg:Experiment. |
sockg_galactan_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_galactanStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_glomalin_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_glomalinStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_glucan_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_glucanStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_glucosaminidase_mg_per_kg_per_hr | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_glucosaminidaseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_glucosidase_mg_per_kg_per_hr | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_glucosidaseStd_mg_per_kg_per_hr | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_grainCarbon_kgC_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_grainCarbonStd_kgC_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_grainMoisturePercent | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_grainMoisturePercentStd | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_grainNitrogen_kgN_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_grainNitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_grainWeight_mg_per_kernel | No slot description provided 9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_grainWeightKernelYnu_mg | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_grainWeightKernelYnuStd_mg | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_grainWeightStd_mg_per_lernel | No slot description provided 9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_grainYield_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_grainYieldStd_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_grazingRate | No slot description provided 749 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type xsd:double. 20 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string. |
sockg_grossCalorificValue_MJ_per_kg | No slot description provided 799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_grossCalorificValueStd_MJ_per_kg | No slot description provided 799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_groundCoverPercentage | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_groundCoverPercentageStd | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_growthStage | No slot description provided 17240 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type string. 6683 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type string. 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type string. 2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string. 9407 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type string. 4896 occurrences with subject type sockg:CropGrowthStage and object type string. 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type string. 799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type string. 1116 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. 812 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string. 684 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. 312 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string. 64 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string. 63 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_happenedInSite | No slot description provided 61 occurrences with subject type sockg:Experiment and object type sockg:Site. |
sockg_harvestedFrac | No slot description provided 18047 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type string. 309 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_hasAmendment | No slot description provided 37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:Amendment. |
sockg_hasBioMassCarbohydrateData | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate. |
sockg_hasBioMassEnergyData | No slot description provided 799 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:BioMassEnergy. |
sockg_hasBioMassMineralData | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:BioMassMineral. |
sockg_hasBioSample | No slot description provided 16926 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample. |
sockg_hasChemSample | No slot description provided 52537 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:SoilChemicalSample. |
sockg_hasCity | No slot description provided 33 occurrences with subject type sockg:County and object type sockg:City. |
sockg_hasCounty | No slot description provided 34 occurrences with subject type sockg:State and object type sockg:County. |
sockg_hasField | No slot description provided 65 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type sockg:Field. |
sockg_hasGasNutrientData | No slot description provided 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type sockg:ExperimentalUnit. |
sockg_hasGasSample | No slot description provided 106447 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:GasSample. |
sockg_hasGrazingData | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:Grazing. |
sockg_hasGrazingManagementEvent | No slot description provided 1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent. |
sockg_hasHarvestFractionData | No slot description provided 9110 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:HarvestFraction. |
sockg_hasPesticide | No slot description provided 42545 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type sockg:Pesticide. |
sockg_hasPhySample | No slot description provided 26786 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample. |
sockg_hasResidueManagementEvent | No slot description provided 3308 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent. |
sockg_hasRotation | No slot description provided 761 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type sockg:Rotation. |
sockg_hasState | No slot description provided 20 occurrences with subject type sockg:Country and object type sockg:State. |
sockg_hasTillage | No slot description provided 27137 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:Tillage. |
sockg_hasTreatment | No slot description provided 741 occurrences with subject type sockg:Experiment and object type sockg:Treatment. |
sockg_hasWaterQualityAreaData | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type sockg:ExperimentalUnit. |
sockg_hasWaterQualityConcData | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type sockg:ExperimentalUnit. |
sockg_hasWindErosionData | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type sockg:ExperimentalUnit. |
sockg_hasYieldNutrUptakeData | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type sockg:ExperimentalUnit. |
sockg_identifier | No slot description provided 114 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type string. |
sockg_inorganicCarbon_gC_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_inorganicCarbonStd_gC_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_inorganicNitrogen_kgN_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_inorganicNitrogenStd_kgN_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_iron_g_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_ironConcentration_mg_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_ironConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_ironStd_g_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_irrigation | No slot description provided 769 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string. |
sockg_irrigationAmount_cm | No slot description provided 37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_irrigationNitrogen_mg_per_L | No slot description provided 37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_irrigationType | No slot description provided 33571 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double. 4225 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type string. |
sockg_isCarbonDioxideInterpolated | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:long. |
sockg_isHarvested | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:Harvest. |
sockg_isMethaneInterpolated | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:long. |
sockg_isNitrousOxideInterpolated | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:long. |
sockg_isPrimaryContact | No slot description provided 82 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string. 16 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_lastName | No slot description provided 98 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string. |
sockg_latitude_decimal_deg | No slot description provided 58 occurrences with subject type sockg:Field and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_leafAreaIndexDry_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_leafAreaIndexDryStd_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_lignin_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_ligninPercentage | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_ligninPercentageStd | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_ligninStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_locatedInCity | No slot description provided 59 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type sockg:City. |
sockg_locatedInCountry | No slot description provided 60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type sockg:Country. |
sockg_locatedInCounty | No slot description provided 61 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type sockg:County. |
sockg_locatedInField | No slot description provided 3809 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:Field. |
sockg_locatedInState | No slot description provided 60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type sockg:State. |
sockg_longitude_decimal_deg | No slot description provided 58 occurrences with subject type sockg:Field and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_lossesOrDeposition | No slot description provided 549 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. 118 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type string. 5 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string. 10 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_lowerDepth_cm | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:long. |
sockg_macroAggregatesPercentStd | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_magnesium_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_magnesiumConcentration_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_magnesiumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_magnesiumStd_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_majorLandResourceArea | No slot description provided 60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_manganese_g_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_manganeseConcentration_mg_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_manganeseConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_manganeseStd_g_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_mannan_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_mannanStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_measBiomassCHO_UID | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type string. |
sockg_measBiomassEnergy_UID | No slot description provided 799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type string. |
sockg_measBiomassMinAn_UID | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type string. |
sockg_measGasNutrientLoss_UID | No slot description provided 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string. |
sockg_measGHGFlux_UID | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type string. |
sockg_measGrazingPlants_UID | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type string. |
sockg_measHarvestFraction_UID | No slot description provided 9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type string. |
sockg_measNutrEff_UID | No slot description provided 2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string. |
sockg_measResidueMgnt_UID | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type string. |
sockg_measSoilBiol_UID | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type string. |
sockg_measSoilChem_UID | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type string. |
sockg_measSoilCover_UID | No slot description provided 1034 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilCover and object type string. |
sockg_measSoilPhys_UID | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type string. |
sockg_measWaterQualityArea_UID | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type string. |
sockg_measWaterQualityConc_UID | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string. |
sockg_measWindErosionArea_UID | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string. |
sockg_measYieldNutUptake_UID | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string. |
sockg_methane_gC_per_ha_per_d | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_methaneStd_gC_per_ha_per_d | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_mgtAmendments_UID | No slot description provided 37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type string. |
sockg_mgtGrazing_UID | No slot description provided 1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type string. |
sockg_mgtGrowthStages_UID | No slot description provided 4896 occurrences with subject type sockg:CropGrowthStage and object type string. |
sockg_mgtPlanting_UID | No slot description provided 23450 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type string. |
sockg_mgtResidue_UID | No slot description provided 3308 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type string. |
sockg_mgtTillage_UID | No slot description provided 27137 occurrences with subject type sockg:Tillage and object type string. |
sockg_middleName | No slot description provided 65 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string. 33 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_mineralCarbon_gC_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_mineralCarbonStd_gC_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_mineralizableNitrogen_gN_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_mineralizableNitrogenStd_gN_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_mineralMatter_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_mineralMatterStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_modelIfSimulated | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type xsd:double. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. 692 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double. 1466 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. 56 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string. 13 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string. 4 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string. 11 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_moisturePercent | No slot description provided 9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_moisturePercentStd | No slot description provided 9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_moistureReleaseCurve | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_molybdenum_g_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_molybdenumStd_g_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nearInfraredCarbon_gC_per_kg | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nearInfraredCarbonStd_gC_per_kg | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_neutralDetFiber_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_neutralDetFiberStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrate_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrate_mgN_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrateNitrogen_kg_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrateStd_kgN_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrateStd_mgN_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrites_mgN_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitritesStd_mgN_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrogen_kgN_per_ha | No slot description provided 9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrogenConcentration_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrogenConcentrationStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrogenGas_g_ha | No slot description provided 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrogenGasStd_g_ha | No slot description provided 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrogenMicrobialBiomass_mgN_per_kg | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrogenMicrobialBiomassStd_mgN_per_kg | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrogenStd_kgN_per_ha | No slot description provided 9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrogenTreatmentDescriptor | No slot description provided 19 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type xsd:double. 750 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string. |
sockg_nitrogenUseEfficiency_kg_ha | No slot description provided 2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrogenUseEfficiencyPct | No slot description provided 2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrousOxide_g_ha | No slot description provided 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrousOxide_gN_per_ha_per_d | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrousOxides_g_ha | No slot description provided 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrousOxidesStd_g_ha | No slot description provided 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrousOxideStd_g_ha | No slot description provided 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nitrousOxideStd_gN_per_ha_per_d | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nonFiberCarbs_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nonFiberCarbsStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueCarbonContent_kgC_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueCarbonContentStd_kgC_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMass_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMassStd_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMoisturePercent | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueMoisturePercentStd | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueNitrogenContent_kgN_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_nonHarvestedResidueNitrogenContentStd_kgN_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_note | No slot description provided 86 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double. 12 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string. |
sockg_nutrientEfficiencyRatio_kg_kg | No slot description provided 2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_openPanEvaporation_mm_per_d | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_organicCarbon_gC_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_organicCarbonStd_gC_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_organicManagement | No slot description provided 769 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string. |
sockg_organicPlantMaterial_gC_per_kg | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_organicPlantMaterialStd_gC_per_kg | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_organizationName | No slot description provided 7 occurrences with subject type sockg:Organization and object type string. |
sockg_otherEvents | No slot description provided 1947 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type xsd:double. 4 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type string. |
sockg_particulateOrganicMatter_gC_per_kg | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_particulateOrganicMatterStd_gC_per_kg | No slot description provided 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_perennialStandAge_years | No slot description provided 3308 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_persons_UID | No slot description provided 98 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string. |
sockg_pesticide_UID | No slot description provided 356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type string. |
sockg_pesticideActiveIngredientType | No slot description provided 353 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type string. 3 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_pesticidePlacement | No slot description provided 126 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type xsd:double. 230 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type string. |
sockg_pesticideTarget | No slot description provided 109 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type xsd:double. 247 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type string. |
sockg_ph | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_phoneNumber | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double. 83 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string. |
sockg_phosphorus_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_phosphorus_mgP_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_phosphorusConcentration_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_phosphorusConcentrationStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_phosphorusStd_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_phosphorusStd_mgP_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_phStd | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_plantFraction | No slot description provided 9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type string. 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type string. 2683 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string. 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string. 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type string. 799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type string. 108 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_plantingAt | No slot description provided 23450 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type sockg:ExperimentalUnit. |
sockg_plantingMethod | No slot description provided 1136 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type xsd:double. 22314 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type string. |
sockg_postalCodeNumber | No slot description provided 60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_potassium_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_potassium_mgK_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_potassiumConcentration_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_potassiumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_potassiumStd_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_potassiumStd_mgK_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_precipitation_mm_per_d | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_profession | No slot description provided 93 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string. 5 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_projectName | No slot description provided 55 occurrences with subject type sockg:Experiment and object type string. 9 occurrences with subject type sockg:Project and object type string. |
sockg_projectScenario | No slot description provided 769 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string. |
sockg_recordsWeatherForField | No slot description provided 14 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherStation and object type sockg:Field. |
sockg_recordsWeatherForSite | No slot description provided 14 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherStation and object type sockg:Site. |
sockg_relativeHumidityPercent | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_residueRemoval | No slot description provided 769 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string. |
sockg_roleInStudy | No slot description provided 93 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string. 5 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_rootCarbonContent_kgC_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_rootCarbonContentStd_kgC_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_rootDryMatter_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_rootDryMatterStd_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_rootMoisturePercent | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_rootMoisturePercentStd | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_rootNitrogenContent_kgN_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_rootNitrogenContentStd_kgN_per_ha | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_rotationDescriptor | No slot description provided 66 occurrences with subject type sockg:Rotation and object type string. |
sockg_rowsHarvestedPercent | No slot description provided 3308 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type xsd:long. |
sockg_rowWidth_cm | No slot description provided 23450 occurrences with subject type sockg:PlantingEvent and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_samplingDepth_cm | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:long. |
sockg_samplingStartStopInterval | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. 684 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. 812 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string. 64 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string. |
sockg_sandPercent | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_saturatedHydraulicConductivity_cm_per_sec | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_saturatedHydraulicConductivityStd_cm_per_sec | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_silicon_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_siliconStd_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_siltPercent | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_siteHistory | No slot description provided 60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_siteId | No slot description provided 60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type string. |
sockg_siteIdDescriptor | No slot description provided 60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_siteNativeVegetation | No slot description provided 60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_siteSpatialDescription | No slot description provided 60 occurrences with subject type sockg:Site and object type string. |
sockg_snow_mm_per_d | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_sodium_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_sodiumConcentration_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_sodiumConcentrationStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_sodiumStd_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_soil_t_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_soilMoisture_percent_volume | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_soilMoistureDepth_cm | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:long. |
sockg_soilOrganicCarbon_kgC_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_soilOrganicCarbonStd_kgC_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_soilStd_t_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_soilTemp10cm_degC | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_soilTemp5cm_degC | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_soilTemperature_degC | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_soilTemperatureStd_degC | No slot description provided 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_soilWithResidueCoverPercent | No slot description provided 1034 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilCover and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_solarRadiationBareSoil_MJ_per_m_squared_per_d | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_solarRadiationVegetatedGround_MJ_per_m_squared_per_d | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_solubleOrganicCarbon_mgC_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_solubleOrganicCarbonStd_mgC_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_speciesMix | No slot description provided 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type string. |
sockg_stageAtHarvest | No slot description provided 1650 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type string. 1658 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_startDate | No slot description provided 37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type string. 3178 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type string. 1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type string. 631 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type xsd:double. 55 occurrences with subject type sockg:Experiment and object type string. |
sockg_stateProvince | No slot description provided 20 occurrences with subject type sockg:State and object type string. |
sockg_stockingRate_number_animals_per_ha | No slot description provided 1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_studiesSite | No slot description provided 123 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type sockg:Site. |
sockg_suffix | No slot description provided 32 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string. 66 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_sulfur_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_sulfurConcentration_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_sulfurConcentrationStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_sulfurStd_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_surfaceOrLeaching | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type string. |
sockg_tempMax_degC | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_tempMin_degC | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_tileDrainage | No slot description provided 331 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type xsd:double. 438 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string. |
sockg_tillageDescriptor | No slot description provided 719 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string. 50 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_time | No slot description provided 101883 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type xsd:double. 5471 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type string. 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type xsd:double. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_title | No slot description provided 107 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type string. 7 occurrences with subject type sockg:Publication and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalAmendmentAmount_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalChloride_kg_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalDissolvedNitrogen_kgN_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalDissolvedNitrogenStd_kgN_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalDissolvedPhosphorus_kgP_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalDissolvedPhosphorusStd_jgP_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalNitrogen_kg_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalNitrogenAmount_kgN_per_ha | No slot description provided 37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalNitrogenStd_kgN_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalPesticideAmount_kg_per_ha | No slot description provided 356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Pesticide and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalPhosphorusAmount_kgP_per_ha | No slot description provided 37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalPhosphorusStd_kgP_ha | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalPotassiumAmount_kgK_per_ha | No slot description provided 37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalSoilCarbon_gC_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalSoilCarbonStd_gC_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalSoilNitrogen_gN_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_totalSoilNitrogenStd_gN_per_kg | No slot description provided 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_tracksGrowth | No slot description provided 4896 occurrences with subject type sockg:ExperimentalUnit and object type sockg:CropGrowthStage. |
sockg_treatmentDescriptor | No slot description provided 769 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string. |
sockg_treatmentId | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type string. 107354 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasSample and object type string. 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type string. 37796 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type string. 9470 occurrences with subject type sockg:HarvestFraction and object type string. 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type string. 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type string. 4896 occurrences with subject type sockg:CropGrowthStage and object type string. 6995 occurrences with subject type sockg:Grazing and object type string. 1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type string. 799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type string. 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type string. 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type string. 3308 occurrences with subject type sockg:ResidueManagementEvent and object type string. 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type string. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type string. 2791 occurrences with subject type sockg:NutrientEfficiency and object type string. 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type string. 748 occurrences with subject type sockg:GasNutrientLoss and object type string. 769 occurrences with subject type sockg:Treatment and object type string. 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type string. |
sockg_type | No slot description provided 22884 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type string. 14912 occurrences with subject type sockg:Amendment and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_unitGrainWeight_mg | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_unitGrainWeightStd_mg | No slot description provided 18356 occurrences with subject type sockg:Harvest and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_upperDepth_cm | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. 53833 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilChemicalSample and object type xsd:double. 18222 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilBiologicalSample and object type xsd:long. |
sockg_versionDate | No slot description provided 1 occurrences with subject type sockg:Version and object type string. |
sockg_volatileMatter_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_volatileMatterStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 799 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassEnergy and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_water_mm | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_waterQualityAreaDataAt | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type sockg:Field. |
sockg_waterQualityAreaTreatment | No slot description provided 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type sockg:Treatment. |
sockg_waterQualityConcDataAt | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type sockg:Field. |
sockg_waterQualityConcTreatment | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type sockg:Treatment. |
sockg_waterStableAggregatePercent | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_waterStableAggregatesPercentStd | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_waterStd_mm | No slot description provided 1479 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityConc and object type xsd:double. 667 occurrences with subject type sockg:WaterQualityArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_weatherAtField | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type sockg:Field. |
sockg_weatherBadValueFlag | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_weatherDaily_UID | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type string. |
sockg_weatherRecordedAt | No slot description provided 149473 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type sockg:Site. |
sockg_weatherRecordedBy | No slot description provided 39489 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherStation and object type sockg:WeatherObservation. |
sockg_weatherStationId | No slot description provided 12 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherStation and object type string. |
sockg_website | No slot description provided 30 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type string. 68 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_wiltingPoint_percent_volume | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_wiltingPointStd_percent_volume | No slot description provided 28082 occurrences with subject type sockg:SoilPhysicalSample and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_windDirectionDegFromNorth | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_windErosionDataAt | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type sockg:Field. |
sockg_windErosionTreatment | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type sockg:Treatment. |
sockg_windSpeed_m_per_s | No slot description provided 147305 occurrences with subject type sockg:WeatherObservation and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_worksAtDepartment | No slot description provided 91 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type sockg:Department. |
sockg_worksFor | No slot description provided 35 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type sockg:Organization. |
sockg_worksIn | No slot description provided 165 occurrences with subject type sockg:Person and object type sockg:Site. |
sockg_xylan_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_xylanStd_g_per_kg | No slot description provided 1367 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassCarbohydrate and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_yearsBetweenBurns | No slot description provided 1951 occurrences with subject type sockg:GrazingManagementEvent and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_yieldNutrUptakeDataAt | No slot description provided 429 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type sockg:Field. |
sockg_yieldNutrUptakeTreatment | No slot description provided 409 occurrences with subject type sockg:YieldNutrientUptake and object type sockg:Treatment. |
sockg_zinc_g_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_zincConcentration_mg_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_zincConcentrationStd_mg_per_kg | No slot description provided 6723 occurrences with subject type sockg:BioMassMineral and object type xsd:double. |
sockg_zincStd_g_ha | No slot description provided 15 occurrences with subject type sockg:WindErosionArea and object type xsd:double. |