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OKN registry

Knowledge graphs registered with the Open Knowledge Network

Shortname Title Description
biobricks-ice BioBricks ICE Biobricks ICE is an open knowledge graph for cheminformatics and chemical safety.
biohealthkg Bio-Health KG Bio-Health KG is a dynamically-updated open knowledge network for health, integrating biomedical insights with social determinants of health.
climatemodelskg Climate Models KG Climate Models KG is a knowledge graph to support evaluation and development of climate models.
dreamkg DREAM-KG Develop Dynamic, REsponsive, Adaptive, and Multifaceted Knowledge Graphs to Address Homelessness With Explainable AI
fiokg SAWGraph FIO KG The FIO KG is part of the SAWGraph project.
geoconnex GEOCONNEX Geoconnex is an open, community-driven knowledge graph linking U.S. hydrologic features to enable seamless water data discovery, access, and collaborative monitoring.
hydrologykg SAWGraph Hydrology KG The Hydrology KG is part of the SAWGraph project.
nikg Neighborhood Information KG Neighborhood Information KG (NIKG) is a knowledge graph warehouse for neighborhood information.
ruralkg Rural Resilience KG Rural Resilience KG is a cross-domain knowledge graph to integrate health and justice for rural resilience.
sawgraph SAWGraph Safe Agricultural Products and Water Graph (SAWGraph) is an open knowledge network to monitor and trace PFAS and other contaminants in the nation's food and water systems.
scales SCALES SCALES is an integrated justice platform to connect criminal justice data across data silos.
securechainkg SecureChain KG SecureChain is a knowledge graph for resilient, trustworthy, and secure software supply chains.
semopenalex SemOpenAlex Comprehensive information on scientific publications and related entities.
sockg SOC-KG The Soil Organic Carbon Knowledge Graph (SOCKG) enhances robust soil carbon modeling, which is crucial for voluntary carbon markets.
spatialkg SAWGraph Spatial KG The SAWGraph Spatial KG is part of the SAWGraph project.
spoke SPOKE Scalable Precision Medicine Open Knowledge Engine (SPOKE) integrates data from NASA's GeneLab and social determinants of health data.
sudokn SUDOKN Supply and Demand Open Knowledge Network is an interconnected network of publicly available manufacturing capability data focused on Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers.
ubergraph Ubergraph Integrated suite of OBO ontologies with precomputed inferred relationships
ufokn UF-OKN The Urban Flooding Open Knowledge Network (UF-OKN) is an informational infrastructure built using knowledge graphs aiming to extract structured content from the information scattered across open-source geospatial datasets and hydrologic models.
wikidata Wikidata Wikidata is a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines
wildlifekn Wildlife-KN This project seeks to create a comprehensive, integrative knowledge network for the management of wildlife in the context of climate change